Monday, July 28, 2008

Another Idiot For American President

Hantu Laut

If you think George Bush is a moron and our Prime Minister is a flip-flop, listen to this man who would likely be the next President of the United States.

So, don't take it too hard on Badawi, he is smarter than Bust and McCain put together.

Come on people of America, be smart, vote for Obama.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anwar Ibrahim At Wits' End

Hantu Laut

Poor Anwar Ibrahim is at his wits' end? With not much help from his coalition partners to grab power he is beginning to sound more desperate and have started making foolish and sanctimonious speeches which aren't normally said by a normal person.

Below are some of his speeches delivered at Banting last night.

"Umno leaders are saying they are trying to protect the Malays because now they are at their weakest. But let me tell you this that it is too late for them. I am Malay but a responsible and cultured one. I will never stop from helping the Malays to progress,"

Guess what Anwar ?, there is social stigma attached to aggrandizement of oneself.A cultured person don't usually say I am handsome,I am clever,I am smarter and the last thing would be to say I am cultured.Let others judge you.

"I am a Muslim therefore I am responsible to uphold justice for all Malaysians,

You mean only Muslims are responsible and others are not?

"I will fight, as I know there is no evidence, this is just a wild accusation, and I have enough witnesses. I have fought with dragons and these people are just lizards, and the people will reject this latest allegation,"

Gosh! You sound like Ide Amin and Robert Mugabe.

"I have forgiven (Tun Dr) Mahathir (Mohamad). He is senile. (Tan Sri) Mohtar Abdullah (the Attorney-General in 1998) is no longer with us and (Tan Sri) Rahim Noor (the former Inspector-General of Police) is retired. We want to move forward, let bygones be bygones."

If you go to Mahathir's blog he certainly doesn't appear senile.His blog has over 4 million hits within a span of few months, which means in spite of his age and current status people still respect him and he appears to be more popular than you.

There are no sitemeter on your blog and those dedicated to you, so it would be hard to judge your popularity.

Adding to his plea, Anwar also reminded the crowd to seek divine intervention. "Let us hold solat hajat (prayers seeking God's help) and readings of the Surah Yasin (a Quranic chapter asking for God's help), to ask God to save the country. We can only plan but God will decide,"

A desperate attempt of pandering to the Malay masses.The same sickness that he accused UMNO of suffering from.

There wouldn't be any Sabah MP crossing over ,except, maybe, those from SAPP and Yong Tet Lee who is seeking to revive his dormant political career.

Orang Melayu kata "Tak baik lah! Pukul gendang sendiri"

Read the full story here.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Of Sex,Power,Money And Betrayal

Hantu Laut

There are two sides to a coin.All this while we always hear one side of the story, mostly in favour of Anwar Ibrahim and condemnation and contempt of the government.

In the recent Sodomy case against Anwar, public opinion is largely on Anwar's side due to allegations of trumped-up charges against him in the past.To make matters worse there were serious inconsistencies and discrepancies in the story of the complainant Saiful and even more serious the apparent selective memory of the Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who initially denied having met or knowing Saiful but later admitted he had met him on educational matters merely out of sympathy for the young man, a dropout with a penchant for rubbing shoulders with the rich, the famous and the powerful.

No matter how much I wanted to believe that Anwar might be guilty of the allegation, it is even harder to believe that Anwar can force himself on a young man of Saiful age six times before he felt utterly disgusted and ran to lodge a report first with the DPM and than to the police.If it was against your will, wouldn't you run away and lodge a police report the first time it happened or was it consensual and something had gone terribly wrong?

The latest addition to this ongoing saga was the revelation made by Raja Petra Kamarudin of another witness who was in the DPM's house together with Saiful who had regurgitated the story to him of which he had recorded on video which he hopes to produce at the time of his court trail.He had in no uncertain term said if he goes down he is going to take the DPM down with him.

It is also interesting to note that not only Najib had discrepancies in his story, Anwar had made similar error in his story about who Saiful really is? But than the true-blue Anwar supporters wouldn't fall for anything else other than the undisputed innocent of the man.

Interestingly, a blog reader or a blogger I would say, posted the comment below on my blog.

Blogger bro_jinggo said...International Coffee Boy

I understand the general skepticism that has greeted Mohd Saiful Bukhari bin Azlan's police report accusing Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim of allegedly buggering him. Many Malaysians have said, "Not again..." or "Can't they come up with something better?" Whatever your take on this may be, I think its best that everyone allows due process to take place and since the level of cynicism is extremely pronounced, there should be some sort of independent verification for possible key evidence e.g. a foreign forensic expert going through whatever tests that need to be done to prove or disprove that the said buggery took place.

But the one thing that I could never figure out is this: When Saiful made his police report, he was identified as a special assistant to Dato' Seri Anwar. Special assistant means someone with exclusive contact with their employer, someone who has personal dealings with their principal. But shortly after the report was made, Keadilan apparatchiks went on the offensive saying that Saiful was a mere volunteer at the party HQ - a very small, insignificant cog in the giant wheel that is Keadilan and Friends. He was described by Anwaristas as an assistant to an assistant and more specifically as a "coffee boy." In fact, Dato' Seri Anwar himself said that Saiful was "not a permanent member of the staff" and only earned a part-time allowance.

So they established clearly that Saiful was a nobody and implied that he would not have had much significant, personal contact with Dato' Seri Anwar. A volunteer coffee boy that dropped out of university. No more, no less.

But here's the problem. Dato' Seri Anwar also admitted that he has taken Saiful along during his foreign trips. Now, why in the world would you take your volunteer coffee boy on an overseas visit? If he was a nobody, just as Dato' Seri Anwar and his lackeys painted him out to be, why would he be part of a coveted overseas entourage?

The only explanation I can think of is that his coffee must be damn, bloody good.

This salacious tale of power, money and betrayal is getting sleazier with each passing day.

Letter in Support of the Honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is not only popular at home but is also popular outside Malaysia especially with Western leaders and world corporate figures. After getting show of support from the American with subtle warning given by Secretary Of State Condoleeza Rice to the Malaysian government not to conspire against him again, Anwar friends in the West are asking for the charges against him to be dropped. It seems a bit odd because he has not been charged yet.

The letter of appeal is posted below.

NEW YORK, July 24, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The following Communique is sent to you for immediate release:

As many of those who have had the privilege to work with him or under his leadership in international institutions, we have heard with deep concern the charges filed against the honorable Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim, in spite of the fact that similar unsubstantiated charges filed ten years ago against him were overturned by the Supreme Court.
We would like, in such circumstances, to reiterate our full confidence in his moral integrity, as a man who has demonstrated, in the discharge of his national and international responsibilities, the highest ethical standards of leadership, fighting for international justice, peace and development.
We want also to express our confidence that whatever the present political circumstances, the Government of Malaysia will exert a particular restraint in the handling of this case and will demonstrate, by dropping the charges introduced against Dr. Anwar Ibrahim, an exemplary sense of respect for the rights of the individual which are so important to the international standing of Malaysia.

Signed by,
-- Paul Martin, Former Prime Minister of Canada and former Chairman of the G20
-- Michel Camdessus, Former Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of the International Monetary Fund
-- James Wolfensohn, Former President of the World Bank
SOURCE Paul Martin; Michel Camdessus; James Wolfensohn
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