Friday, September 5, 2008

Good News For Pak Lah: SAPP Breaking Up

Hantu Laut

After all the bad news swirling around Pak Lah, there are some good news from the "Land Below The Wind".

As anticipated SAPP appears heading for a split.Several high ranking party officials contemplating leaving the party.Many are fed up with Yong over his repeated actions to embarrass the Prime Minister and the top BN leadership.

The Daily Express reported that at least 2 vice-presidents and up to 6 Supreme council members may quit the party in the coming days.

The vice-presidents and Supreme council members boycotted a convention organised by SAPP on Sabah issues on Saturday.Ironically, Harris Salleh, Yong's long-time political enemy now turned erstwhile opponent spoke at the convention invited by Yong. Even Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui had distanced herself from the party leadership.She and many SAPP top leaders were absent.

According to the source many are fed up with the way Yong led the party as most of the statements he made were not agreeable to the majority of the party leaders and Supreme council members.

In another event, PBS Vice-President Herbert Timbon took to task UPKO President and Minister in the Prime Minister's department Bernard Dompok for his statement on Wednesday that there should be no reason to stop any BN component member from having discussions or meetings with the opposition for reason of strengthening the Government.Dompok also said he sees nothing wrong with Yong meeting Anwar as UMNO has also met PAS over similar matter.

God knows where this minister come from who can't differentiate between a turncoat and an army that wanted to consolidate its position.They are not one and the same.

Such atrocious statement coming from a minister in the PM's department can only mean Dompok has the intention of abandoning ship and only waiting for the right time.

The PM should watch this man closely.Potential

If you can't give your loyalty,don't beat around the bush, be a man, resign and join the opposition.After all you have been a before and it's not going to make your name smell any better.

Anwar, beware! Don't buy a pig in the poke.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Discretion Is The Better Part Of Valour

Hantu Laut

It is unimaginable that a person of his stature and political standing could utter such racist sentiment.I wouldn't call it arrogance but would see it more as a serious flaw in character and a siege mentality, result of acute sense of inferiority complex. This is the type that have brought UMNO into public contempt and would sooner be on its death knell if the party does not get rid of such obnoxious dead woods. The party had become insalubrious.It's in serious need of cleaning up.

The insobriety for positions and status have gotten to most disgraceful level with some members resorting to violence against rivals to try eliminate them from contesting.This culture of violence if left unchecked could destroy the peace and harmony in this country which have gotten worse since Pak Lah took over the helm.

A single shot to the head was what the Bagan Serai UMNO division vice-chairman got, undisputed sign of contract killing.The party was quick to say it was business rivalry and not politics the likely reason, even before police investigation had started.A day later a vicious acid attack was inflicted on a branch head in Kelantan.

The windfall one gets of becoming a branch head and an even bigger windfall still if one gets to be a division head are just too tempting for those who cater to the power of easy life and easy money.

Money, not popularity, is now the indispensable tool to get elected.That's why the party is scrapping bottom of the barrel and get people like Bukit Bendera Umno division head Datuk Ahmad Ismail and the likes of him in powerful position in the party, where even the President would think twice to upset them.

The Chinese are immigrants and,therefore, can't have equal rights as the Malays says Ahmad Ismail.He may not be aware or just too thick in the head to know that without the Chinese contributions as the economic engines of this country he wouldn't have the luxury of living in this economically advanced,peaceful and modern society.

The Chinese, the Indians, the Malays and the Others (only Malaysia has this) have equal rights to this country, to call themselves Malaysians, and any other reference should be considered seditious.

It is not for the Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister to apologise. Ahmad Ismail should be made to apologise, failing which, he should be given a show cause letter was he should not be suspended from the party.

"Discretion is the better part of valour" is certainly not in the UMNO's dictionary.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pakatan's Phantasm

Hantu Laut

The Pakatan rumour mills are working overtime.Here's something that the Pakatan people have that the people in UMNO don't have. They are either busy insulting the non-Malays or busy fighting among themselves to jockey for positions in the upcoming party elections.They have forgotten they have a nation to run.Apology always come too late.The PM say one thing, the DPM try to do damage control.

Fact or fiction, doesn't matter,some people would well believe it.

Here's something from Malaysian Insider that I would leave to your wild imagination.

Swirling rumours as September 16 looms

By Shannon Teoh and Adib Zalkapli

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 3 - An anonymous text message purporting to highlight key dates leading up to the plans by the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance to take power by Sept 16 , has begun making the rounds, but opposition leaders have denied being responsible for the message.

Ending with the words "from pkr", the message claims that some Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties from Sabah and Sarawak will begin an exodus from the ruling coalition by Friday.

And by Saturday, BN parties from Peninsular Malaysia , with the exception of MCA and MIC, will also signal their exit from the coalition, the message alleges.

The text message goes on to state that 10 unnamed BN MPs will then join PR parties by Sept 7.

By Sept 10, which is next Wednesday, the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi will have resigned, paving the way for Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to fulfil his pledge to take over the Federal Government by Sept 16.

PKR vice-president R. Sivarasa disclaimed responsibility for the message, pointing out that "anonymous SMSes shouldn't be taken seriously," and that the details and the sort of ideas listed in the message did not give it any credibility.

"People have been enthusiastic about Sept 16, so maybe this is born out of someone's exuberance, but I wouldn't treat it with any credence. It's not like there's been an avalanche of such messages," he added.

Influential Sabah Umno MP Datuk Anifah Aman, who has been continuously mentioned in crossover speculation, called the text message "fictitious" and said that "anybody can have a dream but they are dreaming too far."

He said that among East Malaysian MPs, "nobody really cares about Sept 16 because we are busy visiting our respective constituencies during the fasting month and preparing our debates for the budget."

Anifah also poured scorn on the takeover plans.

"They are always crying out for democracy, transparency and justice, but is this the way? What will people think of them going through the backdoor? That's not democratic anymore."

Anwar, PKR's presumptive candidate for prime minister, has continuously asserted his plans to form the federal government by Sept 16 and there has been recent talk of entire BN component parties crossing over.

There has also been speculation that Anwar is seeking an audience with the King, although he has responded to this by saying "not yet.Read more.......

Anwar's Cheap Offering To The Froggies

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is all out to lure lawmakers from Sabah and Sarawak with cheap offerings of sentiment and psychology.

Who would have thought he can come up with such an idea of making 16th Sept a holiday in Pakatan-held states to show Sabahans and Sarawakians that he truly cares about the two states, which have in the past asked the Federal government to make Sept 16 as Merdeka day and a national holiday.Sabah used Sept 16 as the birthday of the Yang Di Pertuan Negeri to make it a public holiday.

The Merdeka day on 31st August is fallacious.Sabah,Sarawak,Singapore and the then
Federation of Malaya got together and formed a new nation called Malaysia on 16th Sept 1963.Singapore was kicked out in 1965 because of Lee Kuan Yew 's insistence of Malaysian Malaysia, a demand the Malays could not accept.

In all probability he may have problem getting those MPs from MCA,Gerakan and UMNO in Peninsula to join him and are putting all his bets on Sabah and Sarawak, an established and well-known 'katak' states.

His procurer Jefferey Kitingan ( the king of frogs)

has promised him 13 kataks from the 'land below the wind' where the paddy fields are awash with these tailless leaping amphibians.In the deep jungle they have many other species that perched on lower branches of trees and ready to leapfrog at the slightest disturbance.

The real danger to Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are not the frogs in the paddy fields or those on the trees, they are in Parliament, where only honourable men should sit---the 'yang berhormat'.

Anwar Ibrahim is a specialist in demolition of government, an art he acquired during his heyday in UMNO.The making of UMNO government in Sabah was partly his handiwork.

In 1994 he and his conspirators in PBS demolished democratically elected PBS government and established UMNO in Sabah in coalition with the conspirators' new parties and formed BN in Sabah with a new formula, the rotation of the chief minister among the major races, a perfect formula of divide and rule mooted by the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad.

As in 1994, the first renegade was the equally charismatic and charming Yong Tat Lee, who, through his 2 MPs would be joining Anwar to remove the Prime Minister through a vote of no confidence.

Will Anwar succeed in getting the frogs to jump over for him to take over the government and wreck vengeance on those who did him harm before ?

Let's wait for D-Day - 16th Sept.