Monday, August 23, 2010

Forced To Wear A Tudung

Hantu Laut

The Daily Express today reported how a student in a Labuan mission school was traumatised when forced to wear the tudung or headscarf by a teacher who threatened her with bodily harm by brandishing a cane.

On Aug 17 the student was bullied into wearing one and was fined RM1 for not complying.On Aug 19 the parents found her in distress when they went to collect her because she was held back for 20 minutes and forced to wear the tudung by the teacher.

The parents have written a protest letter to the Director-General of Education.

The question is who empowered the teacher to execute such authority? Shouldn't she be removed from her job for exceeding her scope of duties?

My last question to my fellow Muslims, does it makes one not wearing a tudung less moral?

It is high time the government clamp down on this kind of rogue teachers who are better suited to teach in a madarasah than a secular school.

We had complaint of a racist teacher in a school in Johore now we have an over-zealous religious bigot who exceeded the bounds of her duties.

Small Minds Stirring The Hornet's Nest

Hantu Laut

Hope Prime Minister Najib does not fall into Perkasa's trap.They are ridiculing him for not acting against Chua Soi Lek and those that speak out against the NEP.

By the same token, if they arrest Chua than they might have to arrest the prime minister's brother too.Nazir Razak has also spoken against the NEP.

What are these people thinking when they utter those words. Is Malaysia a communist country, you can't even express an opinion?

"Great minds discuss ideas...Average minds discuss events.....Small minds discuss people" Eleanor Roosevelt.

Isn't it so true?

Perkasa, MPM want Soi Lek arrested under ISA

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — Malay rights groups Perkasa along with the Malays Consultative Council (MPM) demanded today that MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek be arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for “disregarding national interests”.

Perkasa economic bureau director Dr Zubir Harun said Dr Chua’s insistence in pushing for the removal of the 30 per cent Bumiputera equity quota was against the spirit of the federal constitution.

“Chua Soi Lek, through the resolutions passed during the MCA Chinese Economic Congress, had caused much distress and worry among Malays in this country. Chua Soi Lek should be placed under the ISA for making these unwarranted demands,” said Zubir.

He added that Perkasa viewed the matter very seriously, and threatened to punish all MCA leaders at the ballot box.

“If MCA continues like this, we will not vote for any MCA candidates in the coming general election,” said Zubir.

During the MCA-sponsored Chinese Economic Congress last weekend, Dr Chua had urged Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to abolish the 30 per cent Bumiputera equity rule and to open up the boards of government-linked companies (GLCs) to non-Bumiputera talent.

This led to a war of words between Umno and MCA that involved Umno leaders Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who both reminded Dr Chua not to forget about Barisan Nasional’s (BN) struggles while fighting for the rights of the Chinese community.

However, Dr Chua has now denied questioning the New Economic Policy (NEP) at the congress, saying he merely suggested ways to increase the country’s competitiveness and achieve the Najib administration’s high-income goal.

His denial was carried in an interview with Berita Minggu today, the Sunday edition from the Umno-controlled The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd.

“I never touched on the NEP... Look at my (Chinese Economic Congress) speech, I didn’t touch on one thing,” Dr Chua said in the interview.

“What I raised had to do with reality, how non-Bumiputeras can help the government to achieve the aims of the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) and New Economic Model (NEM).”

MPM secretary-general Dr Hasan Mad, however, said he was not convinced with Dr Chua’s explanation.

“This is what we call someone who has a forked tongue. How can Soi Lek deny saying it, when there is proof in written form, as reported by news reports quoting him as saying that?

“Soi Lek just wants Chinese support, because he knows he barely has nine per cent support right now,” said Hasan.

Hasan also questioned Umno’s silence on the matter, adding that Umno should respond to the 13-point resolution inked during the MCA congress.

“Our leaders are too compromising. If they are firmer, people won’t say such things. This is because of a weak leadership.

“There has to be action taken against those who question what is already provided for in the constitution. Umno has to respond to MCA’s economic congress,” said Hasan.

The MPM committee member said that the council will be meeting top Umno leaders as well as Cabinet members soon to seek some “clarification” over the matter.

Malaysian Insider

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So! Who Is The Liar?

Hantu Laut

The political circus continues, the spinners, the mudslingers and the crap merchants having a field day defecating each other while Malaysians watched in disbelief the ignobility of Malaysian politics.

Am I impressed?

Yes, it's infantile game we used to play when we were young and stupid.Never admit you have lied.Always blame your opponent.

Nauseating, smell like the gutter!

Denial! denial! denial! from both sides.

If both tell the truth.So! who is the liar?

Agree with my favourite mufti or rather ex-mufti here.

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Umno denies lying, says six mosques dropped King’s name

By G. Manimaran
Bahasa Malaysia Editon

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 — Penang Umno has denied lying about state Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s name replacing the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in Friday sermons, saying that it has happened in six mosques since last February.

State liaison deputy chief Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman told The Malaysian Insider that he was unsure if Guan Eng knew of the trend but disclosed that six mosques had used the term “Chief Minister” or “Lim Guan Eng” in their sermons to replace that of the King, Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin.

The mosques are Masjid Jalan Baru in Seberang Prai Tengah which mentioned Lim’s name on Aug 13, Masjid Padang Menora, Seberang Prai Utara (June 25), Masjid Pengkalan Tambang, Permatang Pasir (in May), Masjid Jamek Jelutong, George Town (in April) and Masjid Permatang Binjai, Kepala Batas (Feb 26).

“And yesterday, Lim Guan Eng’s name was mentioned at the Masjid Kubang Buaya, in Butterworth by imam Ustaz Zakaria Ahmad... it was still being used despite media reports about the issue,” he said in a telephone interview yesterday.

“This is not an issue that was created, it actually happened,” said Zainal Abidin, who sits on the powerful Umno supreme council.

He also criticised DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for saying Umno and its newspaper Utusan Malaysia had created stories and racial ill-feelings towards the Penang government.

“It isn’t good for Lim Kit Siang to say we created this on purpose. Now there is proof, what are they going to say,” he said, asking the PR leaders to retract their statements.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the police and Penang Islamic Religious Council last night to conduct a full investigation into the matter, saying action must be taken against those responsible under the existing rules.

“I ask that this matter be fully investigated; who did it ... as the delivering of Friday sermons is determined by the state Islamic Religious Council and people are not allowed to use our own script,” he had said.

PR leaders have denied the Penang government had directed Guan Eng’s name be used to replace the King’s name but admitted it has been used by guest prayers leaders, who are out of their control.

Meanwhile, Zainal Abidin said Anwar had purposely defamed Umno by claimimg Penang Umno chief Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamid’s accusation was unsubstantiated as he had read the text of the sermons.

“Kit Siang should also retract his statement as this is something that happens at the grassroots,” he said, adding the practice of not mentioning the King’s name had started before Election 2008.

“Before the 2008 general elections, several mosques controlled by PAS did not mention the name of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or the Governor but after the 2008 general elections, it has become a normal phenomenon in Penang,” he added.

He described it as a bad act that can divide the people in the state especially the Muslims.

“It is as though we don’t acknowledge the existence of royalty and the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. This is not good,” said Zainal Abidin.

When asked if the chief minister’s name was mentioned with the knowledge of Guan Eng, Zainal Abidin said he was unsure.

“I still believe ... Umno hopes the State Islamic Affairs Council, that every order made by the head of the State Islamic Affairs Council, is not influenced or controlled directly or indirectly by the Penang Chief Minister.

“We take a serious view ... the Islamic Affairs Council must control and ensure the sermon text is read fully. They must have full control,” he said, adding people must disregard the past and follow the decision of the Penang Islamic Affairs Council.

The Sermon Writing Committee is headed by the Penang Mufti Datuk Hassan Ahmad.

Zainal Abidin also said that those delivering the sermons should get approval from the Penang Islamic Affairs Council even they were guest prayer leaders.

He said this in response to an Utusan Malaysia report yesterday which quoted the Masjid Jamek Padang Menora imam Ibrahim Ishak as admitting that a guest prayer leader had mentioned the chief minister’s name when reading the Friday sermon recently.

The prayer leader had invoked Allah to open Guan Eng’s heart to accept Islam as his faith, the imam told the Umno-owned newspaper.

Ibrahim also admitted that the Yang di-Pertuan Agong’s name was not mentioned and he had censured the prayer leader for his mistake.

The imam had also said the mosque has a guest prayer leader to deliver the sermons every month, which will include a prayer for national leaders.

The Sinar Harian newspaper had quoted Jelutong Umno chief Abu Kassim Ismail as saying that sermons mentioning Guan Eng’s name is not new and has occurred between two and three months ago.

Zainal Abidin said the spate of incidents showed that guest prayer leaders must get permission from the state’s Islamic Affairs Council before being allowed to work.

“Don’t use the chief minister’s name in a sermon. Don’t use it in a prayer, if it is for good, OK but what if it is used to criticise, then it will cause dissension,” he added.

Malaysian Insider