Friday, October 29, 2010

Ansari's Double Dip

Hantu Laut

Are you superstitious? If you are not, you would be by now, if you are Ansari Abdullah.

Within less than two days Ansari has tumbled into murky water twice. This carpetbagger must have the unluckiest of luck, a bad omen some would say.

Just a thought, was he unlucky or was it sabotage?

Maybe, PKR should investigate before more serious accident planned by those within PKR who were against his candidacy inflict serious injury on him.

Or was it PKR trickery to show the nation that BN did not look after the welfare of the people?

BN Riding The Ghost Train ?

Hantu Laut

It appears that BN may be in for a rough ride dogged by component parties unwilling to give their utmost to help in the campaign.

LDP,MCA,Gerakan, the three Chinese based party only made dim appearances.UMNO seemed the only party working hard to ensure victory.PBS, not here, nor there.

Unless, UMNO can protect majority of the bumiputra votes and garner at least 20% of the Chinese votes the end result may not be very pretty.

Yong Teck Lee seemed to have big war chest rumoured to be bankrolled by some Foo Chow towkays from Sarawak.

Pigs with wings always fly around during election times, can't really tell the truth from the lies, but it is a well known fact that Malaysian Chinese businessmen always put their bets on both sides of the coin, just in case.

PKR is a non starter. Some, predicted bad omen for Ansari after taking a dip in the sea.

Yong Teck Lee showed his arrogance by belittling Ansari saying he is not fit to debate with him, he wants nothing less than Anwar Ibrahim.

A Sabah politician who refused to be named said "If BN loses it's most likely by unseen hands of one or two of its own component party and Prime Minister Najib knew who they are"

New and untainted, the lady should still have a chance.

The opposition PKR taking issue with her poor Bahasa is absolute rubbish.She has enough intelligence to polish her Bahasa in the next six months and they would be surprised that she probably speaks better Bahasa than Lim Kit Siang by then.

Also read:

Sabah rights a SAPP afterthought in Batu Sapi Yong was also instrumental in Umno seizing control of Sabah in 1994 from PBS after the latter had successfully fought the state election for an unprecedented fourth term. This was despite Yong deserting the party on the eve of the state election and getting the registration of SAPP approved within 24 hours. Yong formed SAPP and aligned himself with Umno in the state election after Pairin rejected his demand that he (Yong) be given the exclusive right to name all the Chinese PBS candidates.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Yong Teck Lee, You Cannot Fool All The People All The Time!

Hantu Laut

How do the people particularly the Chinese community believe in this man.He joined the very same devil that made him chief minister and never for a moment dared face up to Mahathir and tell him how badly he treated Sabah and Sabahans then.

Now, he is trying to fool Sabahans with his "Sabah for Sabahans" bullshit which he dared not whisper let alone mentioned when he was chief minister while enjoying all the privileges and sharing the bounty of the BN government he forgot Sabahans ever existed then.

What the point of a debate with Chief Minister Musa Aman.There are enough skeletons of his in the closet to strip him naked and shame him to the bone without going for a debate.It's obvious, the party he called upon to debate knows he is playing the devil's advocate.

There is no need to say in too many words for this 'old wine in new bottle' as Lincoln would have said "you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time,but you cannot fool all the people all the time"

It just too bad if the people of Batu Sapi is taken in by his rhetoric.

If BN wins the 13th General Elections, I bet he will rejoin the devil again.

Can You Trust The Men In Turbans?

Hantu Laut

If the MACC care to investigate all the Religious Councils in this country Muslims would be in a big shock how and where some of their zakat and fitrah money go to.

In Sabah, the money are collected by MUIS and there have been cases in the past where usage of the money were abused in the form of false claims and corruptions.Since than there have not been a look-in at MUIS.As the Malay proverb say "Jangan sangka tak ada buaya di air tenang", you wouldn't know better until curiosity open the Pandora's box.

If you believe that all men in turbans are god-fearing you might as well believe in the Grand Vizier of Baghdad. Remember the story "The Thief of Baghdad"

Here's something from my favourite ulamak.


Asri: 'Ghosts' in religious councils are robbing zakat from poor

KUALA LUMPUR - The revelation by the Auditor-General's Department that the Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) had wanted to dispose 70 air conditioner units despite their working condition has left former Perlis Mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin wondering about the state of the country's religious institutions.

"The parties involved must provide an explanation as to how far this is true," said Asri (pic) in a blog posting.

The recently-released report by the Auditor-General criticised MAIWP for its plan last year to scrap seventy air conditioning units acquired in 2007 and 2008 despite not being listed in the evaluation board's report.

It further noted that office equipments worth RM135,265 were simply abandoned at its old premise in Wisma Baitulmal when moving its headquarters to the Perkim building in February 2008.

The report also said 21 units of computers and cameras worth RM45,789 and three motorcycles belonging to the department had been 'lost'. Petrol claims for its fleet of vehicles were also suspicious, it added.

'More zakat, more poverty'

Saying he had always been suspicious about the state of financial management involving Islamic institutions in the country, Asri said he felt compelled to highlight the issue although it could rile up many quarters.

“Why not? When billions collected from zakat and others have been allocated for Muslims, we are still faced with a depressing situation whereby there are families who live under bridges in Kuala Lumpur," said Asri, referring to a recent television exposure about homeless families in the capital.

"Who's that ghost cheating and robbing us of our zakat revenue so that those deserving do not get it? Whose hands could it be? Is it the gnome in the jungle or the men in turban?” asked Asri in some of his harshest comments yet against the authorities.

Saying zakat collection had grown in tandem with rising poverty, Asri called for a revamp of the zakat institution, and urged a proper forum to discuss transparency and proper management of zakat fund.

He questioned whether those entrusted to manage the funds were honest and serious in their job, or were simply siphoning off zakat money on the argument that they were part of the asnaf (those among the eight groups of people deserving help through zakat).

'Tip of iceberg'

Asri said the exposure by the Auditor-General was only the tip of the icerberg, adding that the state of financial management in other states remained concealed.

“But we do know for a fact that poverty exists in every state, and PPZ's (Zakat Collection Centre) wealth in each state is glaring," he said.

Asri said the situation only further eroded Muslims' confidence in the integrity of Islamic institutions, which he warned would make them think twice before entrusting these bodies to manage their religious affairs.

“It's all inter-linked: the interests of politics, the palace, individuals and many others. A total reform can be a solution to turn things around," he stressed, and said only a clean, honest and transparent government could ensure such a transformation.

Zakat is calculated annually and is one of the five pillars of Islam, mentioned repeatedly in the Qur'an alongside such obligations as prayer and fasting. An adult Muslim who fulfils several criteria, among which is owning a certain amount of unused wealth within a span of one year, must set aside 2.5% of such wealth as zakat to help the less fortunate groups in the society.Malaysia Chronicle