Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Anwar Running To Obama For Help.

Hantu Laut

Is Obama our keeper? Why is Anwar seeking out the U.S. to save him, or help him takeover the government? Aren't we a sovereign nation?

Watch the video.

I believe, if there have been massive cheating the CIA would have briefed President Obama.

Making a fool of himself.

Hahaha! Banglasia!

BN Is Dead, UMNO Strong As Ever

Hantu Laut

What I have said all along, you want to win the general elections in this country take care of the kampongs. Our "first past the post" system only recognises majority of seats, not majority of popular votes.

Don't let Anwar Ibrahim fool you that they have won.Any intelligent person knew Pakatan Rakyat did not win this elections. Having more popular votes does not guarantee a win, it is a fallacy and a lie perpetuated by Anwar to grab power illegitimately.

Anwar knew Malaysians are easily coaxed as most do not understand the parliamentary system in this country. 

The results of the 13th GE decimated BN, but UMNO had stayed popular with rural Malays, collecting more seats this time around. UMNO won 88 MP seats compared to 80 in 2008.

The Singapore Straits Time published an insightful and profound analysis of the results of the elections on the same note that I have said all along. 

Read on:

Today after 56 years of independence, Umno still controls the rural Malay mind. Yes, it is true Umno has lost control over large sections of the Malay community in urban areas. Under Malaysia's electoral system, it is the rural seats that decide the federal government, not urban seats. Urban seats account for less than a quarter of Malaysia's 222 parliamentary seats while about 150 seats are Malay/bumiputera majority seats.
Umno is unlikely to reform in time for the 14th GE, and does not need to. As long as the first- past-the-post system continues to allot disproportionate weight to rural voters, all Umno has to do is to keep the fire of Ketuanan Melayu and Ketuanan Islam burning brightly in rural Malaysia. 
Read more here

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Is Haris Ibrahim Ready For Jihad Or Gone Bonkers ?

Hantu Laut

This is it, my biggest fear of CIVIL UNREST. 

Read here how a group of people contemplating to overthrow the government by force.

Waiting for five years is too long they say, they want immediate turmoil to remove the government. 

Leader of the pact is the disenchanted and disheveled Haris Ibrahim, who had earlier announced his "willing to die" squad to uphold the voting system in the country. Sounds like he has scores of suicide bombers ready for "jihad"

I wrote this piece "Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble" a day before polling day, not a figment of my imagination as the idealists would want to believe and have accused me of spreading fear to scare friends, foes, all and sundry, but it is reality that could turn into nightmare.

Well, enemies, I have none, unless some who knows me consider me as one. Friends I have plenty, but close friends I keep in a small circle and close to my heart. 

A dear friend of mine was pretty annoyed when I posted  on her timeline on Facebook of what I see as impending trouble if Anwar doesn't stop his calls for big rally to protest against the government  and that there would be blood on the streets if he is not stopped now. Of good heart herself, she truly believe Malaysians are incapable of violence. Well, Haris Ibrahim had proven her wrong. 

Haris Ibrahim praises to the skies demonstrations and civil unrest as the only way to bring down the government. 

My balls rattling so nervously listening to what he had said " We will take to the streets to take over Putrajaya. If we rally want to overthrow them, there is no other way.Democracy doesn't work"

Yes, democracy doesn't work for people who refused to accept it.

Why would Anwar want to continue holding big rallies when he knew fully well it'll be an effort in futility. He knew fully well he can't change the government by holding peaceful rallies all over the country. 

As I have said before, huge rallies can't remain peaceful forever, it only take a single spark to ignite the whole minefield of discontent. 

Haris Ibrahim extolled going to the streets as the only way to remove the government. His ABU movement has elements of right wing fascism and ready to wreak havoc in the country. 

This delusional man, if left to his own devices, will light the tinder box. 

Boom! Malaysia goes up in flame.

Now you know why Raja Petra (RPK) parted company with him.

I am not going to tell the police what to do, they knew better what to do when someone had gone overboard.

This A Good One........! The Pakatan's Craps !

Hantu Laut

This a good one......narrative of the Pakatan's craps!

In the midst of a busy day in Kuala Lumpur, a few years back, a jam-packed traffic cruising slowly and patiently on a busy metropolitan road was startled by the cacophonous din of a hospital ambulance siren coming from behind them. The emergency lights were flashing, and all cars were inching slowly to give way to the hospital-emergency vehicle to move. All except one, that is. One lone Chinese driver was suspicious of the ambulance’s “motives” and surmised that this is nothing more than the camaraderie of a (mostly-Malay) ambulance operator who was in a hurry to get back home or whose bladder was in a pressing situation, and was merely using (or abusing) his position to beat the traffic.
Read more here.