Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Way, The UMNO Way

Hantu Laut

Change, reform, transformation, reconstruction, renewing, or whatever name you want to give it,  if you take no effort to do what you preached, you'll eventually be fucked!


If it is not now, it's a matter of time, the crunch will come.

Reforms and transformations are words that have been tossed around since Mahathir left the scene and the "wimps" took over and promised change they had no desire to carry through.

Frankly, I think UMNO had no desire to change. UMNO is  hellbent in running the country the way they deemed fit, running it to the ground.

There are many bloggers like me that have been supporting their cause for nothing and are tired and have had enough of defending people who had no desire to change.

How many times have we heard the word uttered whenever the party's barometric level goes up and stormy weather looms ahead?

Former Prime Minister Ahmad Badawi had said it umpteen times since March 2008, but nothing had came out of it. The only change that happened was changing of the guard in UMNO from Badawi to Najib, who like his predecessor has also uttered "CHANGE" umpteen times yet change remained empty war cry.

Now, the Malay first, Malaysian second Deputy Prime Minister says the same thing that "UMNO must change if they want to stay relevant"

Will they ?

The Malays in the streets knew very well they have always been taken for a ride and gotten raw end of the deal, more often than not, would not have benefited from the "ketuanan Melayu" bullshit. The NEP was to serve the interests of UMNO leaders and warlords. 

Maintaining the status quo had become so irresistible to these leaders, come what may, they will not change. Even low ranking UMNO leader can make a fortune if he knows which apple to polish.

One have to go round the country to see the sub-standard and shoddy works of completed government projects that have gone through the UMNO laundry machine.

One can see the extent of the power and influence of the UMNO warlords by the Prime Minister's recent action of appointing those dropped at the last elections with cosy and rewarding jobs in GLCs and other government agencies. 

UMNO elected members continue to show their revolting habit and lack of intellectuality by asking anyone that criticises the government or Malay rights to migrate to other countries. 

How much shallower can you get with this kind of response?  

Najib, whom many had been looking forward to execute radical changes had been a big disappointment so far. Can we expect him to bring about meaningful changes? 

He is still surrounded by the same old people, the same old politics of patronage, cronyism and nepotism. He has to pay tributes to these self-serving bloodsuckers and re-appoint them to pivotal positions in government and government agencies.

His sovereign vehicle 1MDB had become the butt of jokes and laughing stock of the financial world after paying the highest fee ever, 7.7 % of the face value of the bonds to Goldman Sach for underwriting fees. The industry average for that year was 1.32 % for junk bonds. 

The Malaysian government had given a "Letter Of Comfort" to Goldman Sach, which they say did not amount to a guarantee. Who are they trying to fool, themselves or the Malaysian public? 

1MDB is wholly owned by the Malaysian government and in the event of a default the Malaysian government, with or without the "letter of comfort" will have no choice, in order to save its world's credit rating and credibility will have to make good the default and pay up. That's your money and mine!

The people at Goldman Sach know it, the people at 1MDB don't, they are bluffing themselves and the Malaysian people.

I presumed the bonds are US$ denominated and the currency may go north or south making the bonds vulnerable to foreign exchange currency fluctuations. If the US$ goes north at maturity than bad luck for 1MDB, they may incur huge forex losses.

It may not be too late for Najib to kick asses at 1MDB, remove those morons and replace with people who know the business.

UMNO may still be able to keep the rural Malay votes in the Peninsula, but Sabah and Sarawak may be gone. No more fixed deposits for BN. It will just be UMNO against the rest of the country. 

The erosion of KDM votes in the 13th GE in Sabah is a prelude to a wind of change. The same scenario prevails in Sarawak.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Was Washington Behind Egypt's Coup ?

The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian Armed forces was not carried out against US interests, it was instigated to ensure “continuity” on behalf of Washington.
“[US Defense Secretary] Hagel and [US Chief of Staff General] Dempsey were walking a fine line … expressing concern while attempting to avoid the impression that the U.S. was manipulating events behind the scenes.” (, July 3, 2013)
The protest movement is directed against the US and its proxy Muslim Brotherhood regime.
The Muslim Brotherhood had been spearheaded into the government with the support of Washington as a“replacement” rather than an “alternative” to Hosni Mubarak, who had faithfully obeyed the orders of the Washington Consensus from the outset of his presidency.
While the Armed Forces have cracked down on the Muslim Brotherhood,  the Coup d’Etat is ultimately intended to manipulate the protest movement and prevent the accession of a “real people’s government”.  The overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi by the Egyptian Armed forces was not carried out against US interests, it was instigated to ensure “continuity” on behalf of Washington.
“Demonstrators carried hand-made posters denouncing Obama and his pro-Muslim Brotherhood Cairo Ambassador, Anne Patterson.” (F. William Engdahl, Global Research, July 4, 2013).  

The Muslim Brotherhood and the CIA

Western intelligence agencies have a longstanding history of collaboration with the Brotherhood.  Britain’s support of the Brotherhood instrumented  through the British Secret Service dates back to the 1940s. Starting in the 1950s, according to former intelligence official William Baer, “The CIA [funneled] support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of “the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.”1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

The End Of Morsi And Muslim Brotherhood:Live From Tahrir Square ?

Live from Tahrir Square.

Hantu Laut

After 20 years of Mubarak autocratic rule the Egyptians finally snapped and rose up to remove him through people's power popularly known as the "Arab Spring."

Mubarak was ousted in 2011 after 18 days of demonstrations by millions of Egyptians. Power was transferred to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. Egyptians all over the country were jubilant with the fall of Mubarak and look forward to a change for the better, a democratically elected president and civilian government. 

Over a year later election was called and a new president was elected. 

Muhammad Morsi was the first freely elected president of Egypt and just before his first anniversary in office huge demonstrations, bigger than the one that brought down Mubarak, flared across Egypt calling him to step down. The army gave him an ultimatum to step down, Morsi refused. 

Morsi was finally removed by the army on 3rd July 2013. The situation still looked uncertain as the Muslim Brotherhood threatened to fight to the last to keep Morsi in office.

We always want change for the better, but sometimes change don't come the way we want it. 

Is the CIA behind the scene?

Story here and here

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Morsi Defies Military's Ultimatum

His fate hanging in the balance, embattled President Mohammed Morsi vowed not to resign Tuesday, hours before a deadline to yield to the demands of millions of protesters or see the military suspend the constitution, disband parliament and install a new leadership.
The Islamist leader demanded that the powerful armed forces withdraw their ultimatum, saying he rejected all "dictates" – from home or abroad. Outside on the streets, the sense that both sides are ready to fight to the end sharpened, with clashes between his supporters and opponents that left at least 23 dead, most of them in a single incident of fighting outside Cairo University.
In an emotional speech aired live to the nation, Morsi, who a year ago was inaugurated as Egypt's first freely elected president, pledged to protect his "constitutional legitimacy" with his life. He accused loyalists of his ousted autocratic predecessor Hosni Mubarak of exploiting the wave of protests to topple his regime and thwart democracy.
"There is no substitute for legitimacy," said Morsi, who at times angrily raised his voice, thrust his fist in the air and pounded the podium. He warned that electoral and constitutional legitimacy "is the only guarantee against violence."
Morsi's defiant statement showed that he and his Muslim Brotherhood are prepared to run the risk of challenging the army. It also entrenches the lines of confrontation between his Islamist supporters and Egyptians angry over what they see as his efforts to impose control by his Muslim Brotherhood and his failures to deal with the country's multiple problems.