Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ha! Ha! RPK Not A Fugitive ?

Hantu Laut

Read this and than read this.

When is he going to be honest with the people and call a spade a spade instead of beating around the bush and spent months not knowing what to do and not knowing what to say. The Home Minister needs some serious reinventing.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has even spoken out against criticising the police force. “If these attacks continue, how can we teach the younger generation about nationhood?

What have criticising the police got to do with nation building? If something goes wrong just stay still and do nothing to fix it? Is that what he wants us to teach our children ? Great! That's why he couldn't figure out how to handle the British government.

As in the idiom " one man's meat is another man's poison" one must not assume all things are alike.Different strokes for different folks.There is no detention without trail in Britain.It has abolished seditious libel and criminal defamation in January this year.The AG Chambers ,the Police and Home Ministry should know this and should stop misleading the people that they can get RPK back.

Malaysia is not alone, many American states and European countries still have criminal libel laws.

The Prime Minister is in a Catch 22 situation.If Raja Petra is truly bankrupt than a civil suit against him is difficult to pursue.I am not sure whether an aggrieved party can apply for direction from the court or Director General of Insolvency to sue a bankrupt.Maybe, some legal eagles out there can clear the air.

In the case of Najib and Rosmah a defamation suit should not be for punitive damages but essentially to clear their names.They were the ones implicated and defamed, not national security under threat, therefore, the use of ISA and the Sedition Act against RPK is not looked upon fondly by the British government.The Malaysian government needs some serious soul-searching.

Read RPK resonating blast here.

This thorn in the flesh will be around for a while. You may just have to tolerate him.

Paul The Octopus Picks Spain To Win The World Cup

Dirty Tackle - World Soccer

As the international tug-of-war between Germans wanting to eat him and Spaniards wanting to protect him to the death does something less than rage on, Paul the Oracle Octopus has continued with his charlatan ways and picked winners of both the third-place match and the World Cup final. Given Paul's perfect record in picking his food out of the box covered with the flag of the team that goes on to win the World Cup match, these choices have now reached gospel status. Television networks in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands interrupted their programming to broadcast their octopus overlord's decisions live on Friday. And then they waited, eager and nervous. For an octopus to eat a piece of food.

First up was the Uruguay vs. Germany third-place match. And according to Reuters, Paul is becoming a bit of a showman:

On Friday Paul first settled on top of the Germany container but after a few minutes shifted to the Uruguay container. Then after about 15 minutes he went back to Germany container, quickly opened the lid and ate the morsel of food inside.

Fifteen minutes to make a pick? Come on, Paul. Don't be like LeBron.

Picking Germany was probably a smart decision, though. Maybe it will quell the death threats and allow Paul to finally get back to a normal life. Yet, we do know that Paul didn't make his pick under duress because, well, he's an octopus and doesn't know what these people are doing to him.

Anyway, which box would Paul select when humbly asked to make a special non-German match second selection? Who will win it all, Paul — Spain or the Netherlands? Tell us so we can bask in your tentacled glory! Spanish television personalities awaited his decision with mild interest...Continue reading.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beware of Jhoos "Come Fuck Me" Social Networking Service Scam

Hantu Laut

It's not only annoying, it has become utterly dangerous that people can get access to your email contacts addresses and post invitations that purportedly came from you.

I have received invitations from friends as well as sent invitations to friends and anyone on my address book which I did not.The uninitiated would have responded and the vicious circle goes on and the crooks continue stealing email addresses from unwitting recipients.

Beware of Jhoos.It is stealing your email addresses from your computer every time you respond to invitation purportedly sent by your friend.I have ignored almost all of the invitations after realising it was a scam.

Jhoos claimed it is a social networking service bringing chat to your desktop.If it is really bona fide and doing legitimate business does it need to steal to carry on the business?

Jhoos Social Networking Service Jhoos Social Networking

There is nothing new with this kind of crap.There are umpteen numbers of this "looking for a fuck" social networking services.

Why the fuck would I need to use a social networking service to chat with people I don't know.I don't even chat with my friends unless I have something important to talk to them and usually I would use the phone, email or sms.

While the bigger scam below may not be from them it was the straw that broke the camel back when I received the email below from a blogger whom I know but I have never met.


How are you doing?hope all is well with you and family,I am sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling to Scotland for a Seminar.

I need a favor from you because I misplaced my wallet where my money,and other valuable things were kept.I hate to ask you for help but I will like you to assist me with a soft loan urgently with the sum of $1,500 US Dollars to sort-out my hotel bills and get myself back home.

I will appreciate whatever you can afford and
i'll pay you back as soon as I return, You will help me to send the money through Western union with this details below.

Name: Mohamad Zawawi
Address: 1 William Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom G3 8HT

Kindly get back to me with the transfer details as soon as the transfer is complete. and also get back to me with you account details so i can refund the money immediately I get back home

Your reply will be appreciated. Thanks


The real person's email is shown.This idiot think the whole world are made up of idiot like him.This piece of shit thinks it is easy to fool everyone all the times.

I have sent the email to the real person and still awaiting his response. I am dead sure it wasn't him who sent the email.

On checking my blogger friend's blog I found out he was no where near Scotland, he was on the other side of the world, in South Korea.Even if he is in Scotland I would still not be that stupid to send the money because he is not even my friend let alone a close friend.He is just a blogger whom I get to know over the Internet.

For all of you out there beware of people like Jhoos. Do not respond to any invitation if you smell a rat.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

DAP's Sabah Deputy Publicity Chief 'Gila Babi', Conferred A "Sir" By Queen Elizabeth ?

Hantu Laut

As mad as a hatter? The Sabah DAP deputy publicity chief claimed he has been conferred an award by Queen Elizabeth which carry the title 'Sir'.

For this "mad hatter" information a knighthood conferred on non-British subject does not allow the person to use the title 'Sir'. The British High Commission confirmed no such award was given out to such person.

He now claimed it was given by the Papua New Guinea government. Where the hell the picture with the Queen came from?

Not very smart Mr Wong!

"Malaysia Got Talent". "Malaysia Boleh" Ahli politik ... gila babi!

May God Save The Queen.

By Queville To

KOTA KINABALU: There's some head-scratching going on at the coffeeshops here over a Sabahan's claim that he was confered a top award by England's Queen Elizabeth II recently.

However, the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur has since confirmed that no Sabahan named Wong Su En @ Jeffrey has been conferred the Knight Grand Cross (GBE) by Queen Elizabeth II.

In a one-line statement, a British High Commission official in response to a query by a local daily said: “We can confirm that we have no record of any honour having been conferred at any time by the British government on Jeffery Wong Su En.”

Wong, who is Sabah DAP deputy publicity chief, became a much sought-after celebrity at home overnight, after he issued a press release to the local Chinese media, claiming that he had been conferred the prestigious award, which carried the title “Sir” by Queen Elizabeth II to mark the queen’s 84th birthday.

He claimed that the honour was in recognition of his contribution to international humanitarian aid organisations, Doctors Without Borders and Médecins Sans Frontières.

The press release and subsequent congratulatory advertisements from his family and friends in the local Chinese newspapers including a full-colour, quarter-page advertisement by some prominent businessmen, set tongues wagging.

Almost immediately many started questioning the credibility of the advertisement and the press release.

'Award' certificate

Among those who queried the purported award was Chin Tet Ming, a supreme council member of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS)-cum-People Development Leader for Luyang, who demanded an explanation from the Sabah DAP.

A check of the queen's birthday 2010 honours list on the official website of Buckingham Palace revealed that no such person had received such an honour nor had the award been conferred on any person this year.

It is reliably learnt that some police officers from the Special Branch here questioned Wong on the matter and he had shown them his “award” certificate and the counterfoils for his air tickets to London via Brunei dated 6 June, 2010, purportedly to receive his award on June 9.

They, however, released him after taking his statement, since no police report was lodged against him over the matter thus far.

Meanwhile, Sabah DAP chief Dr Hiew King Cheu confirmed that the party has decided to sack Wong and that Hiew was preparing to issue him (Wong) the letter of termination.

He said, however, that the sacking was not due to the controversy but rather over his claim that he is the Sabah DAP Youth chief when he is only the Sabah DAP deputy publicity chief.

DAPSY national chairman, Anthony Loke, also clarified that Wong is not the Sabah DAP Youth head as he has been claiming in the past.

'Highly irresponsible'

“Wong's claim to be the Sabah DAPSY chief is not only untrue but highly irresponsible. His actions are misleading thenpublic and are not condoned by the DAPSY national executive council.

"All his press statements and announcements are not associated with DAPSY and have nothing to do with the party. He must be held responsible individually for what he said.

“I view his actions seriously and I will refer him to the DAP disciplinary committee to be sacked from the party,” said Loke in a statement.

Hiew, the Kota Kinabalu MP, also disclosed that a senior official at the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur had contacted him in Parliament recently, to inquire about the whereabouts of Wong.

Hiew told the official that he too had been trying to get in touch with Wong to seek clarification on the matter ever since it was first reported in the local Chinese newspapers, but to no avail.

“He (Wong) just didn’t bother to answer my calls,” he said.

Once an aide to former Sabah Deputy Chief Minister and current MCA Sabah adviser, Chau Tet On, Wong, a self-proclaimed traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, is no stranger to controversy. He once attracted attention when he announced he was pursuing a career in acting and modelling in Hong Kong.

He claims to hold a “doctorate” in traditional Chinese medicine practice and addresses himself as “Dr” Jeffrey Wong.

Those who know him were nonetheless shocked by his latest claim, describing it as probably a most “daring and outrageous” bluff.

Many are stupefied by Wong's outrageous claim and wonder what motivated him to do so. They are also concerned that the British government representatives here could initiate action against Wong for the misrepresentation.

Wong, who has been keeping a low profile since the issue started attracting attention, has left word that he will explain the whole matter at a more convenient time as he is "still busy with some other matters".

Source:Free Malaysia Today