Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This Country Does Not Belong To PAS Alone:PAkS -Party Anti-konsert Se-Malaysia

Hantu Laut

Always barking up the wrong tree.Why not spend more productive time going into villages and spread the teaching of morality against the rising crime of incest, rape of minor, rape of own daughters, unwanted pregnancies, baby dumping and the ingravescent social illness of the Mat Rempits that affecting the Malay society and at the same time not forgetting that Malaysia is a multiracial, multicultural and multi-religious society where one should not impose one's religious beliefs on others.

This country does not belong to PAS alone. Read PAkS – Parti Anti-konsert Se-Malaysia.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

From The Gutter Press:5-Star Rating For Consummated Stupidity

Hantu Laut

He has been prime minister for 22 years and credited by many world's leaders for the rapid modernisation and unprecedented economic growth of his country, won five consecutive general elections and dare to speak out against Western imperialist policies, he is not likely to be mad.

I have given the article below a 5 star rating for consummated stupidity.

Sorry mate! Euripides also say "Cleverness is not wisdom"

Has Dr Mahathir gone mad? The truth about the man and nothing but the truth

Written by Ismail Dahlan, Malaysia Chronicle
It was Euripides in ‘Medea’ who made famous the phrase “ Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”. Certainly it would be a fitting description of Muammar Gaddafi, whose gory end was telecast for all to see, on Al-Jazeera and CNN. It would be no less appropriate a phrase to describe Mahathir Mohammed; who has been mad for quite a while now. Read more.

New Videos:The Qaddafis' Last Minute

Hantu Laut

Mob justice.Deplorable,disgusting and sickening.They are no different from the tyrant they killed.


Warning: some of the video included in this post is extremely graphic.

Friday, October 21, 2011

End Of Tyranny, Beginning Of Chaos

Hantu Laut

From the longest reigning tyrant to the most hunted man who dreamed he could still hold on to power by instillation of fear, torture and murder of his people. Libya's reign of terror ended with the death of Muammar Gaddafi, killed in his birthplace of Sirte.

This is the man who first exported terrorism to the world before Osama.He financed the Muslim rebels of Southern Philippines, the IRA of Northern Ireland, the Lockerbie Pan Am bombing and multitudes of other act of terror against his own people.

The Western powers that backed the uprisings in Libya and other Arab countries will have a long wait before true democracy can be restored in the Arab world.

Democracy, ain't in their book.