Saturday, May 4, 2013

Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble?

Hantu Laut

I don't care which side win or lose but we, the people, must keep the peace and harmony that have prevailed for decades in this beloved country of ours.

Pakatan Rakyat dirty campaigning and hate messages have gone dangerously close it inciting a putsch ........inciting the public to take the law into their own hand.  

Is PR readying for a "Malaysian Spring" that Anwar Ibrahim had contemplated a while ago because he knew he and his PR coalition partners are not going to win this "battle of the bulge".

Below is just one of many messages to Pakatan Rakyat supporters from a blogger bend on creating chaos in the country. 

UMNO / BN are making ready to cheat us at the polls.
I have received intelligence reports that if we can prevent this cheating. we will take Putrajaya with 126 parliamentary seats.
We can only do this by preventing the foreigners from voting.
I have previously appealed to you to remain at your polling stations after you have voted, to defend the same.
I make the same appeal now.
However, I am going to list below the constituencies that are particularly vulnerable and, based on information coming in, are where the foreigners are expected to be deployed.
We need you to defend these constituencies.

Read more here.

Spreading such lies and antipathies against the current regime is widespread in pro-oppositions blogs and social media.

Lies, such as massive number of foreigners being brought in by BN as phantom voters boggles one's mind of the incredulity of such stories and as stupidly as putting on pro-Pakatan blogs, social media and news portal pictures of Bangladashis fully attired in BN livery arriving at various airports in this country. 

Anwar himself openly propagates such lies here.

Is it history repeating itself? 

Some of you either too young to remember or wasn't born yet.The Baling incident of December 1974 and students demonstration led by Anwar Ibrahim supposedly of villagers starving to death in Baling, Kedah because of shortages of food. It was later found that no such incident have occurred. A man who acted on instinct rather than finding the truth first before leaping into the quagmire. Going to the streets have always been his modus operandi.

I could list all the lies this desperate man had concocted over the years but it would be just a futile journey as almost all pro-Pakatan supporters are bought of his innocence. They see Anwar as the "messiah" and can do no wrong. History behold! That's how tyrants are throned.

They have cooked enough lies, tall stories and exaggerations to justify them going on the streets should Pakatan failed to win the elections tomorrow.

Let's keep level-headed and hope no such civil violence will occur whichever side win or lose the elections.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Making Of Malaysian Spring: Do Not Ignore Mahathir's Prophecy

Ready for Malaysian Spring? 

The allegations of rigging, tainted electoral rolls and now flying dubious voters from Sabah to KL are reaching epidemic proportion. 

This is how uprising started, flung enough dirt and you will have enough shit excuses to start an uprising when you found yourself at the losing end.

The logistical nightmare is just unbelievable to move 30,000 people from KK to KL and back over a period of 2/3 days.

You need 150 flights of Boeing 747-400, not forgetting board, lodging and busing, to and fro, voting centres.

MAS has only 94 planes of different models and configurations. Using MAS planes will disrupt its entire international/domestic flights. 

Of course, with money you can charter the planes from other companies, but it is almost impossible to charter 20/30 wide-bodied planes over such short notice.

The above flight schedule was posted in a blog here

Well done, Anwar Ibrahim, you have really made my day.  

Send your men to the airports to video tape all the flights and use it as evidence when the general-election is over. 

Read here this most incredible story.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Najib's 1MDB And Cayman Islands: The Skunk Cabbage

Hantu Laut

They have implicated he and his wife in the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu, now they say he carted away RM7.0 billion of the people's money and hide it in the Cayman Islands.

The oppositions must be really desperate to spread its hate campaign against Prime Minister Najib. The implausibility is deafening.

Cayman Islands is an off-shore financial centre not a pirate's cove as made out by some opposition's leaders out to demonise the PM for their own political mileage. 

Cayman Islands is a British overseas territory and administered by Britain and is the 5th largest banking centre in the world. It has almost 300 banks, 800 insurers and 10,000 mutual funds and have global financial institutions such as HSBC, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Goldman Sachs and over 80 other administrators stationed there.It is also the world leading off-shore hedge funds jurisdiction.

The opposition is trying to paint a frosty picture of the operations of 1MDB and insinuated that Najib is planning to steal the people's money as per this loathsome article in Malaysiakini by the equally loathsome "Sang Kancil" called Rafizi. 

Cayman Islands is not a money laundering centre where one can park one's ill-gotten gains without questions asked. It is a bona fide international off-shore financial centre used by the world's big mutual and edge funds and serviced by equally reputable banks and financial institutions.

There have been various articles written on 1MDB as regard its investments and business activities that appeared in numerous blogs and news portal across the country.

The articles are targeted at the laymen who had little understanding of global investment and high finance, in another word, the nitty gritty world of international finance and investment. It's a political stinger to sucker the minds of the ignoramuses.

1MDB was set up as a sovereign vehicle wholly owned by the Malaysian government to raise funds and seek high yield investments in the global market. Naturally, there are and there will be many companies incorporated under the mother company as subsidiaries to take care of the various type of investments.

I am not sure how 1MDB obtain its working capital, whether it is direct from the government or from the market, or a mixture of both. From the little that I read, I presumed they obtain their funds from the market by issuance of foreign currency dominated bonds.

An article "Putting RM7.18b in Cayman Islands is beyond 1MDB's mandate" written by one M.Shanmugam, managing editor of the Edge, questioned the rationale of 1MDB depositing the money in the Cayman. The amount in question was the US$2.318 (RM7.18b) redemption of bond issued by PetroSaudi International (PSI). 

Before I get to the point let me ask whether there had been actual physical cash payout by PSI to 1MDB for the bond redemption, or was the bond a PIK bond?  I'll explain what PIK bond or PIK loan later.

The article also mentioned that as of 31 March 2012 the Islamic bond value had ballooned to RM6.8b including profit receivables, or interest payments that are due but not paid to 1MDB by PSI. 

Now, let see, if it is the same bond, how could after accrual of interests or dividend payments the amount is less than the original principal amount?

The same article also mentioned that on 1 June 2012 1MDB took up 49% equity stake in PetroSaudi Oil Services Ltd (PSOSL) at value equivalent to the outstanding amount due to 1MDB and an option (I  guessed) to buy the balance 51% at a token of US$10. 

The 'shares for bond' exchange he says had rendered the Islamic bond redeemed and no further cash transaction was required.

This is where I suspect the bond between PSI and 1MDB was a PIK Bond.

A PIK (Payment In Kind) Bond pays interest not in cash but in additional bonds or shares.It is a deferred coupon bond as there are no interest cash payments during the bond's term. Interest is only paid on maturity of the bond. Due to its high risk this kind of bond pays higher interest and are for sophisticated investors such as hedge funds, is not for the boys, or companies seeking cashflow.

My dissection here is only on the particular transaction with PSI and should not be construed as on the whole operation of 1MDB.  I do not have enough inputs to comment on the whole operation.

I agree, 1MDB should have more transparent disclosure of its dealings as it is wholly owned by the Malaysian government and the Malaysian people. 

I also believe Najib has no intention of cheating the Malaysian people, but if left in the hands of incompetent people disaster could happen. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Dangerous Personality Cult Favor

Hantu Laut

A growing personality cult, as dangerous as in the making of all the world's past fascists and dictators. Not only personality cult, a political dynasty is also in the offing, husband, wife and daughter in the same political party and all three holding the reins of top leadership.

How did Adolf Hitler come to power? Did the German people foresee that he would one day turned out to be the biggest mass murderer the world have ever seen?

They didn't, but somehow supported him.

Let me be as brief as possible on the rise of Hitler to power.

Hitler rose to leadership through his emotional and captivating speeches. A good orator he could go on for hours captivating his audience with his rhetoric.

In 1919 he joined the German Worker's Party. A year later he became its leader, the Fuhrer.

Read more here.

Personality cult is a dangerous thing. Dictatorship is built on such miscarried supports. The only country that still engaged in it is North Korea.