Monday, May 13, 2013

Pakatan Rakyat Has Only 36 Malay/Muslim MPs

Hantu Laut

We can argue till kingdom come, no amount of rabble rousing will ever change the truth. Anwar can carry on with his political rally everyday if he wishes to, but the fact remained he has lost the real Malay supports. 

Pakatan Rakayat would be in real dilemma if they had won the elections. It would be a minority government even if Anwar was made prime minister.

I am talking about Pakatan as a whole, not the component party individually. 

Of the 89 parliamentary seats they won only 36 can be attributed to Malay/Muslims supports........... 53 are non-Malay/Muslim seats

PKR won 30 seats, but 15 of these seats are won by non-Malay/Muslim candidates. Therefore, PKR 15 + PAS 21 = 36 seats............. and DAP 38 + PKR 15 = 53 seats. The non-Malay/Muslim has much bigger representation. The figure did not include 2 Muslim seats in DAP.

How some political analysts regarded it as Malaysian tsunami is beyond comprehension. There are two pendulums here, the Chinese pendulum swung to the left and the Malay pendulum swung to the right, along the political spectrum.

Only urban Malays voted PKR and majority of votes came from non-Malay voters to ensure PR victory, but unfortunately majority of Malay voters got cold feet when they realised the massive non-Malay swing toward PR, particularly to DAP.

Anwar Ibrahim can screamed fraud all he wants, nothing will change the fact that he lost the elections of his own gross misjudgement. He took for granted that the Malays will vote for him en masse.

Najib Owes Rural Folks, Sabah And Sarawak, Time To Correct The Imbalance.

Hantu Laut

BN, won by the skin of its teeth riding on rural and semi-rural votes and battered by the rural-urban divide and massive Chinese votes swing. 

He would have two-thirds if the swings weren't of epic proportion.

I don't think the Chinese expect anything from the government. The Chinese being more independent and self-sufficient will know how to take care of themselves.

It is the rural folks that have been shafted for years that need help. They have been played out over and over again. It is time to correct the imbalance.

Now, that the dust have settled, Najib is in a bigger quandary on how he is going to reward his supporters.

His party won on the backing of rural folks and saved from losing the Federal government by the fixed deposit states of Sabah and Sarawak.

Would Najib return the favour ?

Opportunity doesn't knock twice, Najib should give greater care to those who supported him. From now on he should push for greater development in rural areas in Peninsula Malaysia and more aggressive development in Sabah and Sarawak. Without these two East Malaysian states he would have lost Putrajaya.

Sabah and Sarawak have the poorest infrastructure in the whole country. Bad roads, poor health care, inadequate water and electricity supply and rural population that live below subsistence level. Every essential items cost more than Peninsula Malaysia.

Sabah roads are in terrible conditions, bad construction and poor maintenance culture have made our roads as bad as any third world country and the situation become even more appalling in rural areas where rural roads are either badly gravelled or dirt roads, which become dangerous and impassable during rainy seasons bringing a lot of hardship to the rural people.

The same sad state of affairs prevails in other sectors like health care, power supply and clean water supply are just as horrendous. Port and airport facilities are still behind acceptable standard.

Only 39% of roads in Sabah are sealed compared to almost 90% in Peninsula Malaysia. 

The Federal government have taken Sabah and Sarawak for granted and neglected the states for far too long and it is time they wake up and take immediate remedial action to correct the inequitable distribution of development expenditure, or face serious retribution in the next general elections due in 2018.

No pain no gain. Part of the problems are Sabah leaders, patronising too much to Federal leaders, afraid of making demands  and wanting always to be in the good book of the prime minister. This personification of self-preservation have hindered developmental progress of the state. 

Unlike Sarawak, Sabah lost its claws the day they brought UMNO into the state. The state exists at the whims and fancies of Federal leaders. 

It is time for Sabah and Sarawak to make demands to the federal government to deliver its promises and better treatment. Najib owes it to us.

Najib should:

1.Increase Sabah and Sarawak representation in the Federal cabinet by appointing more Federal ministers from the two states. We want important ministries, not window dressing. There is no need for deputy prime minister. We don't want stooge ministry, just give us any of the principal ministries.

2.To build international standard dual-carriageway linking East-West and North-South Sabah and to be completed before the end of this term.

3.Allocate more funds to build and seal rural roads to acceptable standard.

4.Build more hospitals and clinics in rural areas.

5.Build more schools in the rural areas and build more residential schools in towns to enable children from the interior to attend secondary education that is not presently available in rural areas.

6.Provide cheaper power and clean water to the rural areas.

7.Complete the Pan Borneo highways as promised. The road should bypass Brunei for ease of travel for both Sabahans and Sarawakians. The present route that passes through Brunei is ridiculously cumbersome needing at least eight immigration checkpoints.

8.Increase oil royalty. We don't want the unrealistic and unreasonable 20% promised by Anwar, just increase the oil royalty by 3% to 8% for Sabah and Sarawak. This will help the states to use the money to bring more development to the rural areas.

Sabah being the poorest state in Malaysia may be a presumptuous assumption, not all that true. However, there are still pockets of people in the rural areas that live below the poverty line, out of choice, self-infliction of the dependency syndrome, rather than total government neglect. Idleness being a major contributing factor to such despondency. 

In many other countries if you own land, you are considered well-off as land can be your life-support, or even give you more than enough for your own consumption if you till the land and grow the right crop.

In Sabah, vast stretches of land in the rural areas are either left uncultivated, or rented out to migrants to cultivate. 

Many arable land are rented out to Bugis or Timorese migrant farmers for quick and easy money. It goes to show the idle nature of the natives here. If these migrants can till the land, pay rent and profit from it, why can't the landowner till their own land.

It is the government duty to provide infrastructures to every nook and cranny of the country, not just in urban areas. 

The government should pay more attention to rural constituencies and to bring greater social justice and development to the rural folks.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Of American Money, Anwar, Merdeka Centre And Ambiga's Bersih

Hantu Laut

I may not be always right, but I have never been far from the truth. 

I have in the past written about reshaped U.S foreign policy, particularly in the Asia-Pacific to thwart the influence of China's rising economic and military powers. 

The U.S. is on a global spending spree to subvert countries that do not kowtow to U.S. hegemonic policies and to unsettle and  overthrow such governments and replace with its own proxies through subtle and secret funding of politicians and NGOs of the country concerned. 

Malaysia is one such countries targeted for regime change.

Heil Anwar!

Obama, after the last presidential election, had transmuted U.S foreign policy to keep China under constant watch and change the mindset of leaders in the region to view China as a potential threat in the region.  

Read the article below by Tony Cartalucci that appeared in Global Research.

By Tony Cartalucci

Wall Street and London’s hegemonic ambitions in Asia, centered around installing proxy regimes across Southeast Asia and using the supranational ASEAN bloc to encircle and contain China, suffered a serious blow this week when Western-proxy and Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s party lost in general elections.While Anwar Ibrahim’s opposition party, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) or “People’s Alliance,” attempted to run on an anti-corruption platform, its campaign instead resembled verbatim attempts by the West to subvert governments politically around the world, including most recently in Venezuela, and in Russia in 2012.Just as in Russia where so-called “independent” election monitor GOLOS turned out to be fully funded by the US State Department through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Malaysia’s so-called election monitor, the Merdeka Center for Opinion Research, is likewise funded directly by the US through NED. Despite this, Western media outlets, in pursuit of promoting the Western-backed People’s Alliance, has repeatedly referred to Merdeka as “independent.”

The BBC in its article, “Malaysia election sees record turnout,” lays out the well-rehearsed cries of “stolen elections” used by the West to undermine the legitimacy of polls it fears its proxy candidates may lose – with  the US-funded Merdeka Center cited in attempts to bolster these claims. Their foreign funding and compromised objectivity is never mentioned (emphasis added) :

Read more here.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

If BN Cheated Why Don't Give Themselves Two-Thirds

Hantu Laut

How do you talk to the incorrigibly dumb, or those who think they are smart, but aren't there yet, or those who made a boner and picked a loser..........and cried FOUL and FRAUD! 

What about those who believe in everything they see on social media, blogs and so-called news portal spewing terrible halitosis that stinks to high heaven. 

BN won, not by you folks in the cities, but by the folks in the kampongs. 

Please, for the sake of this nation's peace and stability, stop showing off your huge rally in the city to fool yourself that you have the numbers. 

No, you don't have! 

The numbers are in the kampongs and they are called "CONSTITUENCIES" not "POPULAR VOTES" as your sore loser leaders have told you.

So what, if you have 120,000 strong in a stadium in Kuala Lumpur, are they representing the whole country or are victims of one man greed for power. 

Below is what I posted on Facebook in response to some friends' support of Anwar fomenting a "Malaysian Spring"

 I think Najib only speak what transpired on the ground. Ada pepatah Melayu kata "alang-alang mandi biar basah" If the BN cheated why don't they give themselves two-thirds majority instead of almost losing the government by the skin of their teeth, or why don't Najib better the 2008 results under Pak Lah. He can if he really wants to cheat, no?. I think Anwar is doing a great injustice to this country by his disgraceful act of fomenting the people to rise up against the government. He knew why BN won, partly his fault, he ignored the rural areas. This government won not by you people in the cities, it won by the rural constituencies, which many Malaysian don't understand or refused to accept. Our political system is not based on popular votes but on "first past the post", which even so many educated Malaysians either, can't understand, or pretended not to understand. U.K. have had many of this kind of results but people there are more intelligent and civilised, they don't accuse the government of cheating and defeated politicians take the defeat in their stride, unlike Anwar, the sore loser.I will not deny that there may be instances where BN may have provided transports and money to the kampong folks to go to polling centres, which is to be expected as kampong people are poor and do not have the means to travel to far-flung polling stations. Flying in 40,000 Banglas to vote, I think my grandfather (he is not Bangla, he is Pathan) must be kicking in his grave to hear so many Malaysians believe in such abominable lie. I can post a few past elections results in U.K if you guys still believe in Anwar's bullshit.