Monday, August 18, 2008

Hypocrite Of The First Order

Hantu Laut
This is the man whose party will be part of the new government if Anwar Ibrahim takes over in September.

This is what he said yesterday:

Sumpah Mohd. Saiful bercanggah dengan Islam - Nik Aziz
17/08/2008 2:04pm
IPOH 17 Ogos – Mursyidul Am Pas, Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata, sumpah yang dilafazkan oleh Mohd. Saiful Bukhari Azlan bahawa dia diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bercanggah dengan Islam.

Katanya, apa yang dilakukan Mohd. Saiful itu sama dengan penganut Kristian menggunakan Bible.

Menurut beliau, Islam hanya menerima sumpah Wallahi, Wabillahi dan Watallahi. -(Utusan)

And this is what he said last month:

Nik Aziz: Bersumpah junjung al-Quran tentukan kebenaran
04-07-2008 10:04:01 PM
KOTA BHARU: Menteri Besar Kelantan Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat berkata "mubahalah" atau bersumpah dengan menjunjung al-Quran adalah cara untuk menentukan kebenaran dan juga sesuatu yang dituntut dalam Islam.

Sambil menyokong cadangan Mufti Perlis, Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin berhubung perkara itu, beliau berkata melalui cara demikian, Allah SWT boleh melaknatkan manamana pihak yang bersalah.

"Dalam Quran sudah menyebut, setelah sudah tiada ikhtiar lagi dalam menyelesaikan kemelut yang memalukan itu, siapa yang tidak bersalah Tuhan tolong," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di sini, hari ini.

Beliau yang juga Mursyidul Am PAS berkata demikian sebagai mengulas cadangan Mohd Asri supaya keduadua individu yang dikaitkan dengan kes liwat iaitu Penasihat Parti Keadilan Rakyat Malaysia (PKR) Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan bekas pembantunya, Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan "bermubahalah" atau bersumpah.

Dalam kenyataannya semalam, Mohd Asri berkata isu liwat yang membabitkan Anwar sudah semakin rumit dan rakyat pula menjadi keliru.(Bernama)

This is what Ronald Reagan said about politics "Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first."

Tell me how can the man, a tok guru, can be so confused about his own religion?

Is PAS truly an Islamic party?

Hoi! Tok Guru! Betoi kah ini cerita agama?

We Muslims are sensitive lot.Here's something that should upset members of PAS and not upset the non-Muslim community, courtesy of MYKMU.NET:

Charles De Gaulle once said "Since a politician never believes what he says, he is quite surprised to be taken at his word."

Who should we believe in now?

Here is another one that even my 4-year old precocious grandaugher would know sounds stupid,making a storm in a teacup:

UiTM plans legal action against MB

SHAH ALAM: Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Vice Chancellor Datuk Seri Prof Ibrahim Abu Shah said the university will take legal action against Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim for refusing to apologise for proposing that it admit 10 per cent non-Bumiputera students. He said Khalid should apologise for making the statement on UiTM as it was not only unethical and degrading to the university but also not true at all.

"We are not hard-headed on this issue but the statement is 100 per cent wrong. We can accept criticisms if what was said was true," he told a media conference after opening an alumni homecoming programme at UiTM, here, Saturday.

Khalid had proposed that UiTM admit 10 per cent non-Bumiputera students and claimed that its students were unfriendly, of poor quality and non-competitive. His statement angered UiTM students nationwide who held demonstrations to protest the proposal.

The Menteri Besar had refused to apologise to UiTM claiming he was not questioning the special rights of Bumiputeras and the establishment of UiTM. Ibrahim said UiTM did not want to make enemies of the other races which was proven when the Chinese and Indians were recruited as the teaching staff.

"His statement (Khalid) had instigated non-Bumiputeras to hate the Malays and vice versa. It can also create hatred among the Malays," he said. - Bernama

Even though some of us might not agree with it, is there a law against making constructive criticism and suggestion?

Go back to school, mate! With this kind of mentality I don't blame Khalid Ibrahim for making the suggestion.It's not the students to be blamed, it's more a case of "bad teachers, bad students".

The mediocre education in this country is not the fault the students,it's the fault of the education system and that of the teaching profession.

Khalid Ibrahim, you don't have to apologise, it's not a crime to make suggestions.

Here's more on Anwar's sodomy charge:

Saiful had taken the oath on the Quran — regarded by many Muslims as the most serious form of oath-taking in Islam — on the eve of nomination.

Anwar has repeatedly refused to take up the challenge to do the same.

He told reporters yesterday that he had been advised by religious experts that this is not an Islamic practice.

“You are making a mockery of Islam,” he said.

Anwar insisted that the authorities, which have charged him with sodomy, have no proof.

“I have seen the first (medical) report and I am privy to the second report, and based on that, they have no case against me,” he said.

Anwar also said he has finally received a copy of the police report made by his accuser, which he said was inaccurate.

At a late Saturday night rally in a small neighbourhood, he took great efforts to counter the allegation of sodomy, and recounted how he was stripped and his private parts measured during a medical examination.

The sodomy accusation, although believed by the majority of Malaysians to be a political conspiracy, had taken a new twist after Saiful swore on the Quran that he was sodomised.

Analysts believe that this might cast doubts in the minds of some rural Malay voters.

“For us Muslims, this is important. No one can lie swearing on the Quran,” said Sapiah Ali, a hawker and voter in the constituency. (Malaysian Insider)

I wonder who was the religious expert who advised him, if it was Nik Aziz than I am sorry for him.Nik Aziz had proven he is more a politician than an Islamic scholar.

Well, if Anwar decides to do the same for political expediency, than we should know who is the liar.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Race For Permatang Pauh Has Begun

Hantu Laut

The race for Permatang Pauh has begun.It would be the most closely-watched by-election.

It would be interesting to watch in which direction the voters would move.Most political soothsayers have predicted Anwar Ibrahim to win.He has style, charisma, moral victory and an effective political strategist with an infective smile. He has the incontrovertible support of his constituents and not likely to end up in a blanket finish.He certainly has the competitive edge.Can he lose?

In every race or competition, just like in algebraic equation, there are the known and unknown factors.In the case of Anwar the known factor is that most non-Malays and young educated urbanised Malays will vote for him without any hesitation.This group have made up their mind and would take miracles to change them. The second sodomy charges brought against him have strengthened their resolve that he is innocent and is a victim of government conspiracy and, therefore, deserved even more support.The story would have been slightly different if he had not been charged.The government has actually helped him to garner more support.

The constituency of Permatang Pauh has 70% Malays and 30% non-Malays voters.It would be the Malays that will decide whether Anwar should win this by-election.Whether he still deserves the Malay support taking into account the chain of events occurring after the 8th March General Elections.

His party PKR won significant number of state and parliamentary seats on the waves of majority non-Malay and Malay support, disenchantment with UMNO leaders and the Prime Minister. PKR alliance with DAP and PAS is now seen in some Malay quarters as weakening the Malay power base. PKR only did well in Selangor, which it won overwhelmingly on majority non-Malay support.

It won 15 state seats in Selangor out of which 6 were won by non-Malay candidates. Even in metropolitan Selangor PAS did extremely well taking 7 seats and being a metropolis DAP took 13 seats.If DAP had won 3 more seats than Selangor would have ended up like Penang and Perak,
under control of non-Malays, particularly Chinese.In the parliamentary seats in the state, PKR took 4 seats, won by 2 Malays and 2 non-Malays, DAP won 5 seats and PAS 1 seat.The seats won in other states were insignificant.Total seat won in Parliament was 31 out of which 11 were non-Malays.

PKR would be an ideal multi-racial party that most urbanised Malaysians would like to have to narrow the racial gap, the same way Berjaya did in Sabah about three decades ago until arrogance got the better of Harris Salleh, the Chief Minister at that time.Berjaya lost the state elections and it's back to communal politics ever since.Now with UMNO ruling the state, communalism is very alive and kicking.

Is Malaysia ready for multi-cultural party to govern the nation.From results of the last elections obviously not, only small segment of Malays are insouciance and are comfortable with multi-cultural political party.

Would Anwar succeed in his promise of 'one nation one people'? It was the same policy pushed forward by Lee Kwan Yew in his pursuit of Malaysian Malaysia that got Singapore kicked out of Malaysia.

When and until the government amend the constitution to make it Malaysian friendly, that dream would stay a dream, just like the receding horizon, we can see it but we can't get there.

A good example was Khalid Ibrahim's proposal to allow 10% non-Malays students into UiTM and presto!... there was spontaneous combustion from the Malays, about 5000 students demonstrated against his outrageous idea.It seems Khalid has superficial understanding of politics in this country.He forgot that UiTM is a national property and has nothing to do with the state of Selangor.

More damaging to PKR is the action of its Kulim MP, the demagogic Zulkifli Noordin who stormed the brainstorming session of the Bar Council public forum "Conversion to Islam" with a horde of menacing religious bigots behind him.Anwar has not made any condemnation of this infuriating show of intolerance for fear of reprisal at the polls.

Malaysia is now more polarized than before, no thanks to Abdullah for his promise of reformasi, we have come to a stage where the head doesn't know what the tail is doing.

Arriff Shah
In the Permatang Pauh by-election UMNO candidate Arif Shah, who is the only UMNO candidate that survived in the Permatang Pauh three state constituencies in the last elections would have tough time to take on Anwar but would still have a chance if UMNO can sway the Malay voters to his side by presenting Anwar as a traitor to the Malays which they certainly would.UMNO also has a bigger war chest to reckon with.PAS, might even leave Pakatan Rakyat, if he is seen not to be protecting the rights of Malays and Muslims.

Anwar's wife, Dr Wan Azizah Ismail managed to retain the Permatang Pauh seat all this while on sentiment and not performance as many would tend to believe, so did her daughter, who won the Titiwangsa parliament seat on sympathy votes.Sympathy votes had been known to make or kill the political career of many politicians, it has no rhyme or reason.

Arrogance is another factor that could kill a person political career and some in UMNO would have learned this bitter lesson.

It is not without any justification that some people sees Anwar as arrogance and power crazy.His persistent hammering of taking over the government by 15th September and he becoming the Prime Minister is backfiring on him.As I have said before PAS might not join him in any motion of vote of no confidence against the Prime Minister.The 30 or so MPs that he claimed he has waiting to jump to his side were probably mostly non-Muslims from Sabah and Sarawak which would add to his problem of persuading PAS to join in.

Some in DAP might not want to spoil the cooking of the broth, they are quite happy with what they have got so far, a botched vote of no confidence could jeopardise the status quo and them losing power in Perak and Selangor.

Anwar may still win Permatang Pauh but he may have to wait a bit longer to be the Prime Minister, if the political landscape doesn't change until the next general elections.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Corruption:Let's Troll For The Big Fish.

Hantu Laut

There seems to be a sudden spate of investigations and arrests of cases of corruption.Is it because the ACA has been given more teeth to bite or our Prime Minister has decided it's time to clean up the mess or is it just another showbiz?

It's good if he has, but to be fair to all, just make sure it covers the whole spectrum of the rainbow, from the one that sits on the horizon to its apogee in the skies, the bigger the catch the better it would be for the nation.

The latest arrest was for a miserable RM13,860.00 and for a man of that stature that was really a shocker. That stupid indiscretion is going to give him a terrible toothache .

The gist of the story is, if you want to be a buzzard, think big, take millions and it will take million years to investigate your case and more often than not it would be so messy they would give up as they couldn't find sufficient evidence to charge you.

The other case in Labuan was even more interesting, not so much the amount, which is much bigger, about RM40 mil in projects and fraudulent bank loans, but the person involved.None of the newspaper that reported the case had mentioned the name of the politician concerned because the case was still being investigated by the ACA.. Two prominent UMNO politicians had voluntarily gone to the press and denied their involvement.

Both Labuan MP Yusof Mahal and former Labuan MP Dato Suhaili Abdul Rahman have denied their involvement.However, Yusof has admitted he was the one who got the contract to build a market and a school costing RM24.8m and RM10.5m respectively.

Both men are currently fighting a big battle to be the Labuan UMNO divisional head.So, it comes as no surprise that the mud are flying from both directions.

In another case in Kota Baru Kelantan, a state director of a government department lodged a police report alleging he was slapped by an ACA officer while under interrogation. This is not good news.Stepping over the limit of decent human behaviour.The officer concerned should be hauled up and taken off the case.The ACA have no right to use violence in its scope of work and to remand someone for 7 days.... ?

As a sport fisherman I find nothing is more satisfying than catching the big one, I usually released the small one. That's game fishing ..... in corruption have to take both, big and small.

Will there be more big fish on the way? Who's next?

ACA has denied the allegation in a police report made by the State fisheries director that he was slapped by an ACA officer.Its director Mohd Jaafar Hussen said from internal investigation conducted, the claim was untrue. The ACA has lodged a police report.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Would Rather Keep The Devil I Know

Hantu Laut

When I first read Robert Louis Stevenson's "A Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde" I was still in my early teens.The book characterised a man with split personality or "multiple personality disorder". The leading character Dr Jackall from being the nicest person could transformed into the worse case of misanthropy with murderous tendencies.Knowing it was a work of fiction and being young and ignorant then I didn't believe that human beings could have such multiple personality.Later in my adult life I learned it is a mental disorder called psychopathology.In the worst case scenario they become serial killers.

The recent disruption of the Bar Council's public forum on 'Conversion to Islam" by protesters openly participated by some PKR and PAS leaders was a shocking revelation of human behaviour, how one can hide one true character.

Many Malaysians were euphoric and dreamt of utopia when Pakatan Rakyat , a loose coalition of PKR,PAS and DAP grabbed considerable number of seats from the BN (Barisan National) and brought the biggest upset in the nation elections history.The de facto leader of the oppositions Anwar Ibrahim was seen as a hero and a saviour to form an alternative government, one that promised to be fair to all Malaysians irrespective of race, colour and creed.

Is Islam really in danger if there were open discussions on inter-faith problems that have affected certain community in this multi-religious society or would the government rather allow it to be swept under the carpet and let it become the Indian disease, the intolerance of Hindu extremists toward other religions? Why weren't the protesters arrested for illegal assembly? Why did our leaders openly show support to the protesters and condemned the Bar Council?

The statements made by the Deputy Prime Minister and other ministers lending support instead of condemning the aggressive actions and uncalled for behaviour of the protesters storming the forum are most regrettable.Even more regrettable were the actions of the police by allowing the protesters to carry out their action, abhorrent to any civilised society.The use of racial slurs by some of the protesters shouldn't have been tolerated by the police. They should have been arrested for causing public nuisance.

This disgusting display of intolerance could have turned ugly if not for the sensibility of the organisers to cut short the forum. Even worse some Molotov cocktails were found in the vicinity of the Bar Council building and one was thrown at the former house of the Bar Council President which is now occupied by ex-UMNO Minister Sharizat Abdul Jalil.

Can you blame non-Muslims that labelled Islam as a violent religion? It is not the religion to be blamed, it is those idiotic Muslims who are ignorant of their own religion and try to impose their will on others.

The active participation of YB Zulkifli Nordin of PKR and YB Salehudin Ayob of PAS shows they are no different from the government that many Malaysians wanted to change.We may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire if the same mental conditions prevail in Pakatan Rakyat.

The hypocrites in PAS have shown their true colour by protesting against the show by Indonesian artiste Inul Daratiste and cited eroticism as the reason.The authorities eventually gave in and cancelled the show.They have made many similar protests in the past on both foreign and some local artistes.Lately, they protested against allowing Avril Lavigne to perform in the country and cited that it would be an insult to our Merdeka freedom fighters, whatever that meant.Didn't know we have freedom fighters to fight for our merdeka.I thought we gained independence through negotiation.

This bunch of hypocrites would continue to hassle the government and sad to say the government, to please them, would succumb to their demands and the country would eventually go to the dogs. What do you think would happen if they were part of the government?

In their discussions with UMNO to strengten Malay unity Nik Aziz was against it but insisted that should there be corporation than both UMNO and PAS be dissolved and a new party to be formed based on Islamic sharia and hudud laws.While that may be an ideal situation for Malay unity it also shows the insincerity of PAS leaders who find it quite alright to sleep in the same bed as DAP and PKR without asking for dissolution of those parties.On which Islamic principles they stand on?

DAP will not be able to control the hypocrites and extremists in PAS and PKR.Anwar Ibrahim will submit to their whim and fancy to keep the coalition together and himself as prime minister. Without PAS his government will collapse.

I would rather keep the devil I know than the one that would become my worst nightmare.

Also read:
Farish Nor's This 'Babi' Will Not 'Balik Cina'
Bernard Khoo's You OK Bernard

The ugly face of racism needs to be knocked out of their heads
to racism and bigotry.

Below is Anwar Ibrahim's pledge:


[read online] [watch video]

I promise that under a Pakatan Rakyat government Malaysians will never again be subjected to such gross abuse of executive power as we are again witnessing today. Arbitrary arrest and detention, frivolous investigation and malicious prosecutions shall be a thing of the past. Police officers and prosecutors who launch conspiracies to defame and humiliate the innocent will be severely punished. The use of police powers as well the office of the Attorney General to persecute political opponents will be criminalized so as to ensure a healthy and vibrant democracy where dissent is not only tolerated but nurtured.

In this regard every Malaysian’s fundamental liberties will be treated as sacrosanct and safeguarded by a truly independent judiciary guided by principles of utmost integrity and an adherence to the spirit of the federal constitution.

The politically motivated trial launched against me will, Insha’Allah, be the last of its kind. No Malaysian will suffer from this cruel injustice ever again.

Yesterday’s events confirm my innocence from the charges that recently surfaced. The medical report and statutory declaration by Dr. Osman Abdul Hamid of the Pusrawi Hospital that surfaced on Thursday shatter lingering doubts as to whether the alleged act ever took place. Dr. Osman’s statement also confirms what we have already stated regarding deplorable actions by the police to fabricate evidence in a manner identical to the manipulation of my case in 1998. Anything short of a thorough investigation into the mishandling of this investigation would further tarnish the credibility of the police.

The doctor’s personal safety is a matter of deep concern to us. Material witnesses in high-profile cases in Malaysia have gone missing in the past such as the PI Balasubramanian. I applaud those brave individuals who have demonstrated their commitment to freedom and justice by coming forward with important evidence, and call upon the authorities to ensure their protection.

Yesterday in court we learned that the prosecution’s case has, in a manner similar to the botched trials of 1998, shape-shifted from a charge of assault to one of a consensual act. The conspiracy launched against me in the final week of June 2008 is falling apart. There is a hasty attempt by some to patch up glaring holes in the complainant’s testimony. This will certainly fail given the preponderance of evidence confirming my innocence.

The Prime Minister has actively involved himself in this matter in an attempt to derail the process of transformational change in Malaysia and stave off his own political demise. But in soiling his hands with this sordid matter he has deepened the crisis within his own administration. His most ardent supporters among the Malays have also expressed their disgust with the matter. Furthermore Prime Minister Badawi now faces investigation by the Anti Corruption Agency for his involvement in corruption and money politics.

The shadow of corruption and mismanagement of the economy darkens the legacy of his Premiership. Prime Minister Badawi has still offered no convincing explanation over the huge profits reaped by his family in the Oil For Food scandal at the expense of dying Iraqis.

I advise those around him to leave the sinking ship of his leadership while there is still a chance to do so.

Pakatan Rakyat’s reform agenda is firmly back on track and the New Dawn for Malaysia is well within reach. We will mount a unified campaign to win in Permatang Pauh with a solid majority encompassing that constituency’s diverse population. I look forward to entering Parliament on August 27th with the support of my friends in the coalition.