Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Government Is Afraid, Very Very Afraid !

Hantu Laut

The government is afraid and dare not take action against these provocateurs instigated by Anwar Ibrahim. 

They can now do anything they like, they want to go on the streets to create bigger chaos and violence.

A day before polling, I wrote this piece "Is Malaysia Heading For Trouble"

Well, I hope the Home Minister acts accordingly if these asses go to the streets.

The government is afraid… the slightest provocation by the police could set the nation on fire and that is why you don’t see the FRU and water cannons.
“The people are angry [over the alleged election fraud]… So testing their patience would not be wise and BN knows this,” said Kevin Thanaraj, a 28-year-old chemical engineer.
His friend, Darren Teoh, argued that the rallies were getting tiresome and wanted the opposition to take more drastic measures.
“Yes, the people are angry. But the opposition cannot expect us to keep attending rallies, sing songs and hear the same things over and over again for the next five years,” said the 34-year-old businessman.
Asked what he would propose, Teoh, without the slightest hesitation, replied: “The time has come to take these protests out of the fields and stadiums… It is time to take them to the streets.”
Overhearing the conversation, law student Hafiz Iskandar, 23, cited the famous phrase, “Bila tipu pilihanraya, kita turun jalanraya [When there is cheating in the polls, we must take to the streets].”
“I have attended four rallies so far, and I am tired of blowing the vuvuzela, my mouth hurts. This is not a fun-fair… It is a serious issue and serious action must be taken,” he stressed. Read more

Anwar is not going to stop until this country goes up in flame.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Get Rid Of Azmin Ali Campaign Has Started

Hantu Laut

This will be denied by PKR people, but it will come. 

There will be a leadership tussle in PKR between Azmin Ali and Anwar Ibrahim. 

Barring, anything happening between now and the party elections, Azmin will mount a challenge for presidency of PKR that will draw Anwar out of his comfortable sanctum of de facto leadership to defend and keep the position within the family. He or his daughter will rise to the challenge.

Azmin is favoured by the youths and those who sees Anwar as becoming a liability to the party. If Najib is said to carry too much excess baggage, likewise, Anwar suffers the same perception in his own party, but his powerful grip on the party have kept the opposition at bay. 

The failure of Anwar to capture Putrajaya have changed the political sentiment in PKR and his uncultivated refusal to accept the results of the elections peeved some top PKR leaders, particularly, Azmin Ali.

Azmin has also fired the first salvo against party president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, wife of Anwar, on the autocratic way she announced the appointment of Khalid Ibrahim as MB without any consultation with other senior party leaders. There is silent requited enmity between the two.

Azmin, is now tolling the middle road objecting to the recurring political rallies organised by PR at the behest of Anwar. He has asked the party to stand down and accept the results of the elections. PKR don't need Anwar as much as it used to do and Azmin knew the weakening influence of Anwar in PKR is going to benefit him.

Anwar, is the glue that kept the coalition together, but he is also a thorn in the flesh of some PAS leaders, who don't trust him but knew without him the coalition days are numbered,  unwillingly and unwittingly tolerated his leadership.

It will be a tight race and Azmin might just pull through by the skin of his teeth.

Some party members have asked for action to be taken against Azmin. 

Would Anwar dare to upset the applecart? 

It is Anwar's style "If you are not with me, you are against me". The same he has done to his friends and close aides in the past, he would do to Azmin.

Anwar's covert campaign to get rid of Azmin Ali has started.

.....but this time he will meet his match!

Opinion Polls Are Unreliable In Malaysia - EIU

It is always the foreign press who knows better and makes better and more accurate predictions of this country political and economic situation compared to any of our so-called political pundits and opinion polls gizmos.

I have, from time to time, expressed doubts on the capability of our so-called political pundits and opinion polls in making sound and correct predictions of the actual political and economic situations in the country. 

The Merdeka Centre, who proudly claimed they are the best in the country is one of the worst from among bottom of the barrel hot shits. 

To add insult to injury, they do bear shit in the woods of their shoddy masterpiece. Almost none have come close. Most predicted a neck to neck race or PR winning the elections.

Only the idiot savants have predicted correctly that the BN will win without two-thirds majority.

When you mix emotion with realty you can never get sensible results and many of our local pundits are guided by which side they support and the end result would reflect more of their personal adherence rather than their professionalism.

The EIU, which I believe not many Malaysians read, may not be on target always, but more often than not are closest to the truth than many other publications.

Read what they predicted, before and after GE13.

Before: On 3rd May 2013

Opinion polls are unreliable in Malaysia. The latest poll from the University of Malaya's Centre for Democracy and Elections puts Mr Anwar ahead.

On balance, we still believe that the BN will win the election. Incumbency will give it a slight advantage over the PR. Although its gradual programme of reforming affirmative-action policies has upset more conservative elements of the ethnic-Malay population, these elements are unlikely to vote for the opposition in protest. So long as this vote bank holds and the BN is able to secure Sabah and Sarawak, it has a good chance of extending its tenure.

Read more.

After: On 7th May 2013

The PR faces a bleak five years until the next election, unless it actively engages in persuading enough BN members of parliament to switch sides and launch a no-confidence motion against the government. Mr Anwar has repeatedly said that he would step down if he failed to steer the PR to election victory, a promise he might now be forced to make good on. Not only is Mr Anwar a charismatic leader, but he is also regarded as the glue that holds an ideologically diverse group together. In the absence of an obvious successor to the opposition leader, a leadership contest could presage the demise of the PR. The predominantly ethnic-Chinese Democratic Action Party (DAP) has become the largest political group within the three-party PR, but the DAP is reluctant to assert leadership in order to avoid ethnic strife. Its opposition to Islamic law is regularly expressed and antagonises its Islamic coalition partner, Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS). The PAS is likely to become more receptive to UMNO enticements to share power and unite under the banner of ethnicity and religion, especially after the recent retirement of its elderly, spiritual leader, Nik Aziz Mat.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Shittiest Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Hantu Laut

What national reconciliation if Anwar Ibrahim and the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) continue to organise big rallies to try topple the government?

I can understand Anwar going to the streets because he is a very frustrated man, he came from the streets and that's where he goes back to when he is unhappy, but why are DAP and PAS leaders, whom I consider more rational colluded with him to destabilise the country?

Seriously, all the leaders in PR should have their heads examined if they think the government was wrong in arresting the troublemakers. These are people who want to create chaos to bring down the government and PR leaders are equally guilty of the same for organising the rallies.

Anwar has planned this long before the general election as his insurance in the event he loses the elections and unable to claim Putrajaya through the democratic process. Allegation of frauds had been made by him, PR and Bersih long before the general elections. He lost and frauds became the battle cry to bring down the government. Taking over the government by force of people's power would be the only option he has left.

Birds of a feather flock together, not at all surprising the restive and troublesome Anwar's ally Ambiga Sreenavasan came to the rescue, came out to defend the criminals.

She said of Najib's government " What national reconciliation ? To me, they only know how to use words that they do not even understand" Read here.

Of course, even the most stupid lawyer and there are many of them around who think they are the smartest people on earth would say the same, because she is a bullshit artist, as always, trying to bullshit the people. 

How do you expect the government to start reconciliation when the oppositions led by the sore-loser Anwar Ibrahim, who had no intention of respecting the results of the elections and determined to create mischief by holding big rallies around the country to try topple the government.

Where is the smooth transition he talked about before the elections?

Najib should not fall for his treachery and trickery. A week ago he said he will be arrested and he is anxiously waiting to be arrested, which he anticipates will trigger the people's revolt against the government.

Let him be, let him continue with his big rallies, which will eventually fizzle out as people grew tired of its senselessness.

There are now ample Anwar's wannabes. Some even tried to emulate the way he talks, the way he walks and the way he straddles the horse.

Adam Adli, the raucous student arrested and charged for sedition is one of Anwar's great imitator. As they say "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" Anwar should be proud of him.

Below are words deemed seditious uttered by Adam Adli.

"Ambil butiran saya, buat laporan polis, kerana hari ini, saya nak ajak semua yang ada di sini, kita harus susun dan kita akan turun ke jalan raya untuk rampas kembali kuasa kita! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Boleh atau tidak?! Kita tak banyak masa lagi, semua siap sedia, beli kasut, beli tracksuit, beli seluar jeans, sedia kita akan turun ke jalan raya sebab akhirnya dalam dunia ketiga macam negara Malaysia, pilihan raya takkan tumbangkan kerajaan kita.

"Yang boleh tumbangkan kerajaan hanyalah kuasa rakyat. Sedara, ingat, ini sahaja peluang yang kita ada ..." 

Read more at Freedom Come Freedom Go

Should the government just sit down and do nothing and allow this bunch of sore-losers to destabilise the nation, create political upheaval and allow the economy to suffer, which will eventually make us a pariah nation.

This country has rules of law and Ambiga as a lawyer knew it better than anyone else, but she like all the other lawless leaders in PR, decide, instead of going to the court to seek justice, they go to the streets to vent their anger. As a lawyer, she should know toppling a duly elected government is a treacherous act and a serious crime.

Go tell Anwar Ibrahim to stop his nonsense before you condemn Najib's promise of reconciliation. 

It is absurd that you don't keep your end of the bargain and expect others to keep theirs. 

The government should come down hard on these recusants and keep them away where they can do no harm to society and the nation.

The people have given their verdict and all parties should respect the results no matter how bitter the pill to swallow.

Here, Nurul Izzah Anwar said Najib's reforms a lie. The liar is actually her father. 

"Will Najib agree to a smooth transition of power" her father asked before the elections and Najib promised he would do so here.

So, Nurul Izzah, who broke the solemn promise of smooth and peaceful transition of power. Your father, or Najib?

All those in the oppositions seem to have immunity against prosecution, because they have been blessed with God's given right to break the law, if one has to go by Ambiga's version of the law. 

Amiga Sreenavasan, you may be a hero to some, but to me, you are full of shit.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Crave For Power, Anwar Lost The Plot

Hantu Laut

Gross miscalculation on Anwar's part. His narcissistic character and political grandstanding killed his chance of becoming the prime minister. The massive crowd in towns misled him into believing that taking the trophy will be a walk in the park. He lost sight of the fundamentals. He ignored the rustic rural communities where politicking are made easier by the smaller number of voters in each constituency.

Anwar beware! UMNO knew the game well. They will continue to win elections. The year 2018 will see a marked increase in support. 

He and his Pakatan people can go on crying wolf, organise big rallies but nothing is going to change the fact that they have miscalculated and ignored the power of the rural voters. 

These bunch of sore losers are now using allegation of frauds against BN to cover their biggest political clanger and again making the same mistake of using the same urban folks to try topple a duly elected government. 

Tunku Aziz, formerly of DAP has rightly described Anwar as an anarchist and untrustworthy and warned the government to put a stop to his dangerous political charade. 

This overconfident chameleonic politician has lost the plot and now resorting to public rallies to rattle, destabilise and hopefully overthrow the government with his streets culture. Aziz also advised Malaysians not to allow themselves be treated as cows by Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

Anwar boasted that by virtue of he and PR having gathered more popular votes, he should be in Putrajaya and should be the prime minister, not Najib and BN, the alleged cheaters. 

PR won by a negligible 386,285 votes, but Anwar thinks it justifies a revolution to overthrow the government. This desperate man coaxed unwary Malaysians into believing that he and Pakatan were cheated by massive frauds perpetrated by Najib and BN. Most Malaysians and, surprisingly, the so-called sophisticated urban dwellers supposedly to be more intelligent and discerning turned out to be more dense than one would have expected. They fall for Anwar's ruse, hook, line and sinker.

This country parliamentary system does not recognise popular votes as the mechanism to determine the winner and Anwar knew this better than anyone that he had fooled to believe otherwise. His greed for power had driven him to the edge of madness and does not give a damn to the well being of the people and the nation.

The same system exists in U.K. and there have been instances where party with less popular votes become the government. 

A referendum called on 5 May 2011 to replace the "first past the post" system  turned out to be a complete failure, 68% voted "NO" and preferred to keep the old system, only 32% voted "YES". Winning by virtue of an overall majority in the Commons continued to be the winning formula in Britain.

There are 650 parliamentary constituencies in U.K. Guess what? Who has the biggest slice of the cake?

England took the biggest slice with 533 constituencies, 59 in Scotland, 40 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland. So, the SOB English also gerrymander the constituencies in their favour. No wonder the Scots, Welsh and Irish are peeved with the English. However, the peeved Celts and Gaels organised no big rallies to complain of unfair parliamentary practices.

Trust the English for being fair, fair game is not in their lexicon, but based on population and land mass the English exercised their demographic and democratic rights that majority ruled the land.

In Malaysia, someone, out of intense and selfish desire to rule wants to change the rules of the game.

His name is Anwar Ibrahim!