Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Black 505 Rally,Arrest The Organisers Not The Blind Mice.

Hantu Laut

Is Rafizi Ramli a politician or a skunk? 

He doesn't seem to understand that there are laws in this country that all and sundry must respect. He couldn't care a shit. He wanted to show the people how big his balls are and how he can defy the long arm of the law and the police wouldn't dare touch him and if the police do touch him or any of the protesters, he and the whole herd of cows will claim police brutality and violation of their democratic rights.

Anwar's idea of the black rallies is to provoke the police into taking action against the protesters so he can condemn the government for its heavy-handedness and gross violation of human rights. He want his Western allies to see how bad the Malaysian government is. 

This bunch of pathetic jokers say they have no intention of bringing down the government, if so, why hold the rallies recurringly?

In which fucking country do they have members of parliament organising street rallies almost every week over unproven allegation of electoral frauds ? Only in Malaysia, like we have nothing better to do, making us a laughing stock of the world.

Anwar failed to capture Putrajaya out of his own stupidity. He thinks he can get Putrajaya riding on the waves of popular votes, which he knew very well is a complete fallacy, but is now using it to confuse and rile up the people to go against the government. He was in UMNO before and knew how the system works.

Spinning the yarn, twisting truth into lies and lies into truth is Anwar's alchemy.

He said Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was very concern with the massive electoral fraud that happened in Malaysia when in fact Susilo told him, he can only lend his ears, but can't interfere in Malaysia's domestic affairs. 

Did Susilo actually invites him for that reason or invites him to tell him to respect the democratic process and live to fight another day.

Indonesian papers only picked up what was spun by the pro- opposition spinning mills and Pakatan leaders like Anwar and his lackey Rafizi the Goebbels. 

Goebbels seems to be in a delusion of grandeur, insisting that the rally must be held at Padang Merbok, although, DBKL had refused to give permission for the rally to be held there as the venue has been given to another party earlier for its function.

The Black 505 Rally on 22 June is an attempt to bring down the government through forces of people's power.  Read Rafizi' stance here. Degil dan biadap.

Can 200,000 or so blind mice from Kuala Lumpur  represent 13 million or so Malaysian voters and 28 million Malaysians in the country?

My advice to the police, if they have to arrest, do not arrest the blind mice, arrest the organisers.

Razaleigh Should Go For President Not Prime Minister

Hantu Laut

'Salvage value', in accounting term is the estimated value that an asset will realise upon its sale at the end of its useful life.

At age 78 can Razaleigh performs as adequately and as furious as a younger man? What salvage value has Razaleigh?

Like machines and other movable assets that depreciated in value every year as they get older, humans are the same, our mental and physical value diminished as we grow older. Of course, we do get the "oddballs" who would not cease to amaze you with their mental and physical dexterity. Think of Lee Kuan Yew and Mahatir Mohammad and you have the amazing prodigies of endless energy. These larger than life figures have dominated politics and societies for decades and have yet to whittle away their influence.

Are Malaysians ready for another blue blood to lead this country after a long hiatus from the first prime minister who came from a noble house, a libertarian with a laissez-faire policy that eventually led to the worst racial riot this country had ever seen. 

Would one born with a silver spoon in the mouth have touch with the ground and empathetic to the common people's aspirasions .

Good old Razaleigh has become a mirage of some sort for people in despondency. Everytime, there's leadership crisis his name is hawked around as 'fill in the gap' candidate for prime minister. He had not come any nearer the goal post. His last attempt at the UMNO leadership of its presidency was during Pak Lah's time and was a complete disaster. He had only one nomination from his own constituency, not enough for him to mount a challenge.

A man of refreshing candour and good stead, he should not believe and savour false hope given him by the few disgruntled UMNO/BN parliamentarians. They are 'dogs in the manger', selfish, self-centered and won't have enough string to pull off a coup. 

Will Razaleigh gives Najib a run for his money?

He may get some supports from MPs in PAS and DAP, but the spanners in the work will be Anwar's PKR and UMNO. If Razaleigh become PM the whole political equation will change, which may not be in Anwar's favour and not of his liking.

I believe sensibility will prevail. Razaleigh will not mount a challenge against Najib in a vote of no-confidence in parliament. He may not want to be prime minister using the back door and owe the opposition a favour. He would be in office at the mercy of the opposition if he accepts their olive branch.

However, he may do a Julia Gillard on Najib, mounting a challenge for president of the party, hence, the premiership. This is the more honourable way for him to claim the premiership.

Mahathir is still trying to call the shots, calling for no contest for the two top posts. He may have a valid reason, but will they listen to him?

Razaleigh still have enough time to campaign for supports and this time he will get more support from more divisions, but the journey may still be uncertain, a chance worth exploring in this uncertain time.

Note:UMNO has changed its voting method to what they claimed to be direct voting by 145,000 members from all divisions to stop money politics.The party claimed to have 3.5 million members. It is  still not representative of members choice.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

One Stupid DAP MP Against Construction Of A Mosque

Hantu Laut

One stupid and insensitive DAP MP against mosque construction with stupid excuse of azan disturbing the people's sleep. 

I am not a religious person, but this kind of stupidity is going to cause unnecessary racial and religious tension.

The kampong people sounded smarter than him, telling him that dogs barking also disturb their sleep and even worse dog barking can be incessant or sporadic throughout the night.

Azan only occurred twice after sundown, once in the evening just after dusk (maghrib) and every morning just before dawn (subuh). There is another one at night after 8 p.m (isyak), but some mosques do not sound the azan as the worshippers who came for the maghrib prayers usually stayed on for the isyak prayer.Most azan lasted less than 5 minutes.

Obviously, he is too thick to understand the imputation.

Watch the video:

What say you, Lim Guan Eng, Lim Kit Siang and SakmongkolAK47 ?

Azan (call to prayer) below.

DAP has 38 seats in Parliament making it the second largest political party in the country after UMNO. 

In the old days, before the dawn of cheap amplifiers, almost all azan were done unplugged, maybe mosque committees should consider turning down the volume or go back to the good old days.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some People Have The Cheek !

Hantu Laut

Ansari should have known better the cabals, the cheats and the fabulists that is Anwar's brand of politics. A dirty user of the worst kind

Never trust a man with a crooked smile!

Some people have the cheek!

Our target today is Ansari Abdullah.  A friend of his on Facebook sent us the following posting:

Many of you who follow us here and elsewhere must have thought that we are going to criticize Ansari like we did others - yes, we whack everyone!  But not today, in fact, we felt sorry for him :-(

It is extremely painful to be forsaken by people we trust but that should not hinder us from moving on and strengthening our determination to improve ourselves and contribute our part to society.

For Ansari, 35 years of legal experience is definitely not long enough to spot and handle vicious and deceitful politics...! Read more.