Saturday, June 29, 2013

BN Will Lose The Next Elections ?

Hantu Laut

Anwar say he is firm in opposing electoral fraud, corruption and racism.

It's about time someone tell him, in no uncertain term, to stop  his charade and call a mea culpa, smoke a peace pipe, or be a gentleman and accept defeat graciously.

Everything of what he said is true, there were corruptions, there were racism and there were some cheating in the elections, but not the way he portrays them. 

Corruption is nothing new, been rampant since his time in UMNO and electoral fraud twiddling with the electoral boundaries, which he never complained before when he was riding high in UMNO everything was hunky-dory then and not forgetting he was also charged and found guilty of corruption. The court only overturned his sodomy sentence. 

Gerrymandering is not an election offence. The electoral boundaries need to be redrawn every eight years and Malaysia's population in rural areas are sparsely distributed making equitable distribution of voters per constituency the same as urban areas, impractical and a logistical nightmare.

Racism ? Yeah, it is more DAP's piece de resistance!

Why I say racism is DAP's forte?

There are lots of Chinese chauvinism in DAP. 

The Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Gelang Patah are showcases of Chinese chauvinism. Former Johor MB Ghani Othman would have won if just 15% of Chinese voters had voted for him.

DAP had grown from a 'mosquito party' into the second largest political party in this country on the ground of solid Chinese supports. A Chinese tsunami is not a overstatement, without which it will never have achieved its present status. 

DAP leaders are more sophisticated, clever and subtle with their political campaign to woo the Chinese, unlike the crudely fashioned 'rough and tumble' ways of UMNO leaders, uncouth, unpolished and very unMalay.

Homogeneity, is in the Chinese blood when their common interests at stake, they cohere.

Ha! The Malays, will they ever learn? They are split three ways, the educated urban Malays (the self-indulging highbrow), the rabble rural Malays (the simple kampong folks) and the Islamist Malays ( who want to be more Arabs than Malays)

UMNO, has certainly failed, otherwise, the Malays won't be so divided. The Malays who can think independently feel they have been played out by their own kind.

If  Najib does not carry out drastic changes in his party and government, stop all nonsense of rewarding UMNO warlords with government largesse (the people's money), reduce corruption and appoint capable people to key positions based on merit rather than cronyism and nepotism and if there are no radical changes made between now and the next general elections, BN will lose the next election..GE14.

BN have lost the popular votes, which is a clear indication that worse is to come.

Changes that the people wanted, not what UMNO wanted.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

Pintar Sangat Atau Loyar Buruk ?

Hantu Laut

This Mohd Zain, ex-police of some kind, seemed to have fixation on Najib of wanting him to be prosecuted for this, or for that. He seems to know the law better than the best lawyer in town.

There are three things that came to my mind after reading this story in FMT. Is he dumb, seeking rough justice against Najib, or just a loyar buruk?

Obviously, there must be some lawyers out there who must have advised loser Fariz Musa in Pekan to lodge a police report on that basis....penipuan, a strong word indeed, for a minor mistake, missing out the abundantly used "Mohd"

I am not a trained lawyer (you can also call me loyar buruk) and don't know the rules here, but in many other countries including the U.S. one can sign "One And The Same Person" affidavit if there are differences or mistakes made in various documents, or the name used differ from the birth certificate.

Why would Najib want to cheat or would have gained by using different names in different documents? Isn't inadvertent omission would be more likely the case?

Below is Fariz Musa police report in Bahasa, which I thing is a waste of time and likely to be thrown out of court if it ever reached  the courtroom.

1.Saya Fariz Musa adalah calon PKR yang bertanding dikawasan Parlimen P085-Pekan menentang calon Barisan Nasional ,YAB Dato Seri Mohd.Najib bin Tun Hj.Abdul Razak dalam PRU ke-13 yang lalu.

2.Beberapa hari yang lalu saya telah membaca satu laporan dalam Freemalaysiatoday (FMT) bertarikh 17.6.2013 diatas tajuk "Usulkan undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib".
Laporan ini adalah berdasarkan surat terbuka oleh bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah,Kuala Lumpur yang ditujukan kepada Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan turut disalinkan kepada Ketua Setia Usaha Negara,Peguam Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara.

3.Perkara utama dalam laporan berkenaan yang ingin saya bangkitkan ialah maklumat berkaitan DS Najib telah membuat affidavit-affidavit palsu pada 21 dan 23 September 2011 yang difailkan dalam Mahkamah, yang membicarakan kes liwat yang sekarang berada diperingkat rayuan.

4.Susulan dari itu saya telah mendapatkan salinan affidavit-affidavit berkenaan daripada Peguam PKR untuk semakan. Saya memandang berat perkara ini kerana setahu saya, membuat affidavit palsu adalah kesalahan jenayah yang serius dan sama dengan kesalahan memberi keterangan palsu di-mahkamah.

5.Saya mendapati dalam kedua-dua affidavit berkenaan, DS Najib telah membuat kenyataan secara bersumpah memberikan nama penuh beliau sebagai Najib bin Tun Hj.Abdul Razak. Isteri beliau Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor juga, ada membuat affidavit pada 21.9.2011 dan menyatakan secara bersumpah juga yang nama penuh suami beliau, ialah Najib dan bukan Mohd.Najib seperti yang saya sangka selama ini.

6.Bagaimanapun, pada hari penamaan calon pada 20.4.2013, DS Najib telah mendaftarkan nama penuh beliau sebagai Mohd.Najib dan diterima oleh Pegawai Pengurus bagi kawasan Parlimen Pekan. Nama yang DS Najib berikan dalam borang penamaan calon itu adalah bercanggah dengan nama yang beliau ikrarkan dalam affidavit beliau dan isteri beliau.

7.Saya mempunyai sebab untuk mempercayai Pengerusi SPR sendiri telah mengetahui akan perkara ini, sebelum hari penamaan calon dan boleh menjangka percanggahan berkaitan nama sebenar DS Najib, akan berlaku pada hari tersebut.Ini berikutan surat terbuka bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur kepada Pengerusi SPR sendiri, memaklumkan akan kemungkinan percanggahan tersebut akan berlaku di-hari penamaan calon tersebut.
Rencana FMT bertajuk "Pencalonan Najib dalam PRU13 ditolak?" bertarikh 15.4.2013 iaitu lebih kurang 5 hari sebelum hari penamaan calon berkaitan maklumat kepada Pengerusi SPR itu, disertakan sebagai lampiran kepada laporan ini.

8.Sekiranya DS Najib atau Pegawai Pengurus SPR telah memaklumkan kepada saya atau wakil calon berkaitan percanggahan nama DS Najib dalam affidavit dan borang pencalonan beliau itu,maka sudah pasti saya akan membuat sesuatu bantahan dan akan meminta mereka merujukkan perkara tersebut ke-mahkamah dimana affidavit-affidavit berkenaan difailkan.

9.Memandangkan maklumat yang penting ini disorokkan daripada makluman saya atau wakil saya dihari penamaan calon tersebut, maka saya telah dinafikan untuk melakukan sesuatu bantahan yang pasti akan saya buat jika telah diberitahu akan maklumat ini.
Malahan saya akan membuat laporan polis terhadap DS Najib kerana membuat affidavit palsu seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang ini.

10.Saya membuat laporan polis ini adalah untuk menggesa pihak polis menyiasat Dato Seri Najib kerana dikatakan telah membuat affidavit palsu dalam perbicaraan kes liwat dan tindakan beliau menyorokkan yang beliau telah mengikrarkan affidavit dengan menggunakan nama yang berlainan dengan nama yang beliau berikan ketika mengisi borang pencalonan pada 20.4.2013.
Perbuatan menyorokkan maklumat mustahak seperti di atas boleh dikatakan sebagai perbuatan menipu.
Tujuan saya membuat laporan ini juga, untuk menggesa pihak polis menyiasat tindakan Pengerusi SPR kerana perbuatan bersubahat dengan DS Najib menyorokkan maklumat penting, iaitu mengenai pembikinan affidavit palsu dan pencanggahan antara nama dalam affidavit dan nama dalam borang pencalonan, daripada pengetahuan calon lain yang akan bertanding dan pengundi-pengundi kawasan Parlimen Pekan khasnya.

11. Bersama-sama laporan ini,saya sertakan dokumen-dokumen bukti seperti berikut;
a) Affidavit-affidavit DS Najib ikrarkan pada 21 dan 23.09.2011.
b) Affidavit Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor diikrarkan pada 21.09.2011.
c) Rencana FMT bertajuk: "Usulkan undi tidak percaya terhadap Najib." bertarikh 17.06. 2013.
d) Rencana FMT bertajuk: "Pencalonan Najib dalam PRU 13 ditolak?" bertarikh 15.04.2013.

Sekian laporan saya.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Susilo: There will be no apology for the Apology

Hantu Laut

The unschooled Indonesian media shit-stirring their President for apologising to Singapore and Malaysia, which was the right thing he did, unlike his minister who is equally unschooled in protocol and foreign relation, behaving like orang hutan.

From WSJ:

Indonesia’s president defended his decision to offer a rare mea culpa to Malaysia and Singapore for the haze that long-burning fires are sending into the neighboring countries, a move that sparked a small torrent of criticism in this country of 240 million people where the president’s image isn’t what it once was.
“Due to the fact the haze is from Indonesia, we take responsibility, and saying sorry in that context, to me, is not excessive,” a miffed-looking President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono told reporters Wednesday, a day after apologizing to Jakarta’s closest neighbors over a particularly bad spell of an annual conflict dating back to the 1980s.
Asked whether he had felt pressure to apologize after weeks of media attention and statements from leaders overseas, he said “What I’ve done in the past two to three days…is fully my decision.”
He made a point of saying that he would continue to press both countries on issues close to home: fighting for domestic workers’ rights in Malaysia and pushing for an extradition treaty with Singapore, saying the latter remained the home of many assets moved illegally overseas during the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s.
Newspapers Wednesday and Thursday were filled with news of the apology, with many quick to criticize the president for a problem partly caused by the sizable Singaporean and Malaysian plantation companies operating in Indonesia, particularly in the fire-choked province of Riau.
Offering a contrarian voice, however, was the influential daily Kompas, which called the apology “noble.”
But in Dumai — a dusty, outpost town built on palm oil and timber where traffic lights are routinely ignored– the owner of a convenient store downtown offered the more common view across Riau.
“It’s embarrassing. Why does our president have to apologize to Malaysia and Singapore?” Read more

Jusuf Kalla's Expos`e Of Anwar Ibrahim's Foreign Backing

Hantu Laut

It came from his good friend, who probably had grown tired of his lies and fed up with his charade.

Former deputy president of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla exposes Anwar Ibrahim and the sources of his furtive funding, which will have far-reaching consequences if he had become prime minister.

Below is the English transcription by The MOLE of Merdeka Online interview with Jusuf Kalla.

Former Indonesian vice-president Jusuf Kalla believes that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is receiving help and assistance from Washington to interfere in Malaysian politics.

In the second and final part of an interview taken from news portal Merdeka Online, Jusuf questioned Anwar’s motive in receiving help from countries considered enemies of Islam and Malays.

“I received a call from Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono informing me that he (Susilo) had received a call from the ‘Washington Police’ asking the president to accept Anwar’s invitation to a meeting,” Jusuf said, adding that he told Susilo not to bow to Washington’s demands and decline the invitation as Anwar is only an opposition leader and not the Prime Minister of the country.Read more

Here, is the original interview in Bahasa Malaysia.