Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Bung Mokhtar's (Sandiwara) Overdramatic Performance

Hantu Laut

Some politicians are good in theatrics and our guile and guts Bung Mokhtar is at it again.

A master of overdramatic performance, he wants to make himself feel important and indispensible. Kampong politics par excellence.

In the first place why bother to contest the party election if you intent to resign ?

Why the need to meet PM Najib if you are determined to leave, just submit your letter and be done with it.

Read here Bung Mokhtar's sandiwara.

I bet he won't resign.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mahathir's Anthology Of Sarcasm, Cynicism And Skepticism

Hantu Laut

You can find the Bahasa Malaysia version on his Facebook.

Translated into plain English by Hantu Laut.

By Tun Mahathir Mohammad 

1 . Now I know why Bumiputra contractors are not given contract by the Malaysian private sector . According to Senior Fellow of the Institute of Socio-Economics and the Environment ( SERI ) Dr. Michael Lim Mah Hui,  Bumiputra contractors lack quality.

2 . RAM Holdings chief economist Dr Yeah Kim Leng said the private sector is not merely denying opportunities to Bumiputra contractors, but had to prioritise meritocracy.

3 . We know the bumiputra-controlled  Government is of poor administrative quality and employed almost 100 % Bumiputra to become officers and employees. As a result, the country is not well governed resulting in poor development and left far behind other countries that gained independence about the same time as Malaysia. .

4 . This Bumiputra controlled government failed to address the economic and financial downturn in 1997/98 . Scores of businessmen and industrialists , especially those with merit went bankrupt during the currency crisis due to poor handling by the bumiputra-controlled government. To date, the economic and financial affairs of the country had not recovered due to deficient quality of the Bumiputra government.

5 . Indeed, if we were to save the country from falling behind further,  Bumiputeras who do not meet the grade or standard should not be given the opportunity to go to university because they are not likely to pass and get a degree . Action by the private sector in giving priority to merit is a step in the right direction. This is not because we don't want to give opportunities to Bumiputera, but to prioritise merit.

6 . Meritocracy is good for Malaysia . Do not do anything that is not based on merit . People who have no merit and are not qualified have no place in Malaysia . Let them stay with their bad quality and employ only those with merit. Our independence from British rule was intended to give opportunities to those with merit, not the mediocre and the sluggard.

7 .I agree with the opinion of the experts from SERI and RAM Holdings . People who do not have the quality should have no place in independent Malaysia . They should know the fruits of independence are not for them . It should favor only people with merit and intelligence, though, they never fought to liberate the country from colonial rule.

Najib better watch out. This may be the beginning of salvo of grevious nitpickings against his pyrrhic victory in the UMNO elections, seen by many as the result of the power of money politics and his transformation policy perceived as an exaggerated sideshow.

Monday, October 21, 2013

UMNO Goes For The Status Quo

Malaysia’s party elections deliver a resounding – if pyrrhic – victory for the Prime Minister

Malaysia’s intraparty elections for the United Malays National Organization, which concluded over the weekend, have resulted in a resurrection of sorts for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, who was all but given up as finished in the wake of the May 5 election debacle.
The party has been struggling with its identity since the election, in which the ruling Barisan Nasional lost the popular vote by a 50.87-47.38 percent split to the Pakatan Rakyat coalition headed by Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. The Barisan returned to the majority with a diminished 133 seats to the opposition’s 89 only because of gerrymandering. Najib was blamed for the debacle by party stalwarts including led by and egged on by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
Nonetheless, within the party, Najib has emerged as the rejuvenated leader of a fractured party. His candidates for the party’s top seven slots – president, deputy president, three vice president, youth leader and women’s leader – all were returned to office, most by healthy margins, as were members of the party’s Supreme Council.
But the question is whether the decision by 145,000 of the party faithful to return them to office was a pyrrhic victory.
“UMNO has not changed. Money still talks,” said an embittered anti-Najib source who described himself as a 20-year member of the party. “Political corruption is rampant. These elections point to a party that is dying and could very well lose the next national elections.”
That was a reference to the fact that Najib’s forces appear to have poured vast amounts of money into buying votes at the district level to ensure that his candidates won. The vote-buying was termed a “golden storm” by party insiders, with votes going for as much as RM300 each.
Najib and his deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, were unopposed in the party elections. However, an unofficial “Mahathir slate” developed for other positions. Particularly, Mahathir was pushing to make his son, Mukhriz, the 49-year-old chief minister of Kedah, one of the three vice presidents, which would have been viewed as a springboard to eventually go for the party presidency and premiership. Mukhriz finished fourth.
Party insiders say the danger is that the 88-year-old Mahathir could stage an all-out attack on Najib, as he did on Najib’s predecessor, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, after poor electoral results that cost the party its two-thirds majority in parliament in 2008. Already, a legion of bloggers aligned with Mahathir has been on a rampage against Najib. However, the betting is that since Mahathir has no allies in senior positions in the party, his ability to do much damage is probably limited. Such a move, however, obviously would exacerbate the schisms in the party that are already there.
Among the winners, the most significant included Khairy Jamaluddin, the son-in-law of former Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, who has drawn close to Najib after previously being regarded as a pariah by much of the UMNO rank and file. Khairy was returned as head of the party’s youth wing despite the fact that he was the Mahathir’s particular bête noire.
Also returned to power was Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who was forced to step down last year as a senator amid allegations that members of her family had looted the National Feedlot Corporation, a publicly funded project to rear cattle by halal, or Islamic religious methods.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Of Running Dogs, Misunderstanding And Proving UMNO Shortcomings

Hantu Laut

The arrogance in DAP continued.Tony Pua slandering the ROS and UMNO, he says:

Do the police, Utusan Malaysia, the five groups that lodged the reports or even Umno understand what running dogs even means? It’s an English translation of the Mandarin word that refers to lackeys or lapdogs.
Maybe Bakri Zinin should go for English classes too, if he is unable to figure out what the phrase means. It is fine to accept police reports on anything but to waste time considering which law to apply here says a lot about the police.Read more here.

I agree, it's stupid to charge him under sedition, but that doesn't mean he is not liable for what he uttered. UMNO leaders should used their heads, which shows they are incapable of. 

The Register of Societies or UMNO should take legal action against him for slander, instead, of using strong-arm tactic to try silent him.

UMNO may be the ruling party, but it is not the government per se and has no executive power to interfere in the administration of the state.

They should take Pua to the court of law for him to produce  evidence that they have interfered with the legal process.

The police should stay out of this.

If I call you stupid or ugly that's my opinion, you can't sue me,  but if I say you are a thief and have committed such crime and you know it's a lie than you can sue me for slander

UMNO leaders should learn from Lee Kuan Yew, use the court to take such people to the cleaners.

For UMNO, it's old habits diehard.