Thursday, August 7, 2014

Anwar Ibrahim A Bad Chess Player, Checkmated By Khalid.

Hantu Laut

Anwar Ibrahim is a poor chess player compared to Khalid Ibrahim, who checkmated him of his insatiable desire to kick out Khalid and make his wife Wan Azizah as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. 

Strange as it may sound, PKR had also issued Khalid with a show cause letter, which stated among other things the following.

The letter dated 5 August 2014 sates that Khalid had, by way of a press statement on 22 July 2014, defied the decision of the Majlis Pimpinan Pusat (Central Leadership Committee) to put forward Dr Wan Azizah as the MB (Menteri Besar) of Selangor.

What's the point of a show cause letter from the party when the MB position comes under the purview of the state legislative assembly and only members of the the house with consent of the Sultan can remove Khalid as MB.

Even if PKR sack Khalid from the party, but he still enjoys majority support of the house, he can still legally continue as MB.

A simple majority can oust Khalid. The house has 56 seats, Pakatan needs minimum of 28 ayes have it, to remove Khalid. PAS with 15 seats in the assembly refused to give assent to the removal of Khalid to be replaced by Anwar's wife Wan Azizah. PAS leaders are convinced Khalid has done nothing wrong and see Anwar's desire to put his wife as the MB an immoral act.

It is obvious Anwar can't get enough lawmakers to support him in a vote of no confidence against Khalid and is now resorting to dirty Nazi type tactic of hounding Khalid by disseminating false propaganda and spurious character assassination about Khalid's wrongdoings to mislead the Selangor people.

Looks like little boy wonder Rafizi Ramli's "Kajang Move" has turned sour and has turned docile Khalid into a badass. Little boy wonder thinks Khalid can be bullied into submission. How wrong can he and Anwar be!

Khalid stood firm because he has enough lawmakers behind him in the event of a showdown and also hold the trump card in the event of anticipated foul-up in the house, last resort...... a dissolution.

I hope PAS stood steadfastly against the onslaught of bullying from PKR and DAP and stood by their principle.

Khalid has made a good menteri besar and no reason to replace him.

Anwar is a dangerous man and should never be allowed to always have his ways.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


Hantu Laut

Iraqi Christians are raped, murdered and driven from their homes – and the West is silent.......the Telegraph.

May I ask this lamed historian has he done any proper research who created the monster ISIS? ... and in the past, the making of Saddam Hussein, the Mujaheedins, Osama and Al-qaeda and the Contras of Nicaragua?

Who are the devils that created these monsters?

ISIS was created by the US, Israel and Britain to destabilise Syria and the whole of the Middle East region using Islam as the bogeyman to sway world's opinion against Islam and Muslims. The Zionist agenda include the extermination of small pockets of Christians to strengthen the doctrine that Islam is an evil religion. Many top brass in ISIS were trained by CIA and Mossad coaxing the use of unspeakable violence against its enemies to instil fear in the population. Killing Christians would give added value to the monstrosity of Islam.

Like everything else the Western powers had created in the past, the monsters they created went out of control and came back to bite them in the asses.

ISiS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was recruited by the CIA after the American released him from Camp Bucca during the Iraqi War and was later trained by the CIA and Mossad to fit their long term plan for the Middle East region.

One should ask why not have the US and its Western allies executed military intervention in Iraq to stop the ISIS advancement?

Even more perplexing, the Iraqi soldiers numbering almost 1.0 million strong trained by the US military have bolted,or were asked not to resist the ISIS advancement in Iraq.


What happened in Iraq is not Muslims killing Christians, it's Christians sponsored atrocities against Christians, who had become dispensable commodity in furtherance of Israel and Western powers imperialistic agenda for the region.

That's why the West is silent.

Islam is not evil, every level-headed Muslim knows that and it's plain to see there are many stupid Muslims around the world, who are easily cheated and tempted by money and power at the expense of their own religion.

To me they are not Muslims, they are heretics, or murtad.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pas Kena Buli, Adakah PAS Anak Jantan Melayu Sebenarnya?

Hantu Laut

PAS kena buli. Ada kah PAS betu-betul anak jantan yang akan tegas dengan pendiriannya atau pun anak jantan pengecut!

Hahaha! As I have always said that little green monster is too smart for his own good. Rafizi the Goebbels "Kajang Move" has gone awry. 

This is typical Anwar's style, no consultation, no consensus, always consider others as subordinates, not as equals.

His arrogance has always been his downfall.

He forgets the MB post was a gift to PKR. He forgets PAS was the benevolent partner, gave way to his avaricious demand for the MB post, not once, twice!

He again expects PAS to submit to his nonsense and this time "enough is enough" PAS stood its ground.

.....but don't beat your drum yet, he will find ways to try his luck again to intimidate PAS into submission.

Sustained attack on PAS has started.

Will PAS stood its ground?

If PAS gives in, Abdul Hadi Awang has to resign as president of the party. 

If PAS stood its ground, two things can happen, Anwar accept defeat and let Khalid carry on as MB, or PAS has to leave Pakatan Rakyat.

Anwar and DAP will try their best to make life miserable for Hadi Awang and to split PAS for their own selfish interest.

Khalid is doing a fine job but Anwar wants to be the power behind the throne by ordering Khalid what to do and when Khalid refused to take his orders the scheming to remove him was plotted by Anwar and Rafizi the Goebbels.

Friday, May 2, 2014

There's No Tomorrow

Hantu Laut

Melayu, Melayu, Melayu!

Hampir semua yang keluar membantah GST pada 1 Mei 2014 di Padang Merdeka, KL adalah orang Melayu. 

Anak-anak Melayu yang suka budaya lepak dan senang diperbodohkan.

Cina dan India dimana............???

Sumber:Helen Ang's Blog

Let us leave the maddening crowd and worry about the world's more pressing problem......fossil fuel!

At the rate we are pumping fossil fuel out of mother earth's belly, we will soon run out of this irreplaceable commodity.

The End Of Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels, as the name suggests, are very old. North Sea oil deposits are around 150 million years old, whilst much of Britain’s coal began to form over 300 million years ago. Although humans probably used fossil fuels in ancient times, as far back as the Iron Age1, it was the Industrial Revolution that led to their wide-scale extraction.
And in the very short period of time since then – just over 200 years – we’ve consumed an incredible amount of them, leaving fossil fuels all but gone and the climate seriously impacted.
Fossil fuels are an incredibly dense form of energy, and they took millions of years to become so. And when they’re gone, they’re gone pretty much forever.

It’s only a matter of time

Clearly fossil fuel reserves are finite - it's only a matter of when they run out - not if.  Globally - every year we currently consume the equivalent of over 11 billion tonnes of oil in fossil fuels. Crude oil reserves are vanishing at the rate of 4 billion tonnes a year1 – if we carry on at this rate without any increase for our growing population or aspirations, our known oil deposits will be gone by 2052.
We’ll still have gas left, and coal too. But if we increase gas production to fill the energy gap left by oil, then those reserves will only give us an additional eight years, taking us to 2060.  But the rate at which the world consumes fossil fuels is not standing still, it is increasing as the world's population increases and as living standards rise in parts of the world that until recently had consumed very little energy.  Fossil Fuels will therefore run out earlier.  

It’s often claimed that we have enough coal to last hundreds of years. But if we step up production to fill the gap left through depleting our oil and gas reserves, the coal deposits we know about will only give us enough energy to take us as far as 2088. And let’s not even think of the carbon dioxide emissions from burning all that coal.  Read more.