Friday, April 19, 2013

Using PAS Symbol: DAP Biggest "PLOY" To Delude Malay Voters

Hantu Laut

I'll be laconic about this. No point writing lengthy article that eventually will be lost in translation. 

Why use PAS and not PKR in West Malaysia, and PAS not PKR in Sabah and Sarawak?

It is not difficult to guess.....ain't it....... the ploy to mislead. 

The ROS has confirmed that DAP can still use its symbol as the party had not been deregistered. Why the need to use your coalition partners symbol when you can still legally use your own.

This is DAP biggest "wayang" to delude the kampong Malays into believing they are voting for PAS. 

DAP, well known for its theatric of sadness or outrage, depending whether it's the father or the son, played the usual victim. Lim Kit Siang was seen shedding crocodile tears as if the whole DAP world had fallen apart, when any level-headed person knew DAP is still a full-fuctioning political party and able to use its own symbol. The son was in furious outrage.

Simple kampong folks use the symbol to vote for the party they like and allowing DAP to use PAS symbol will create much confusion in rural/semi-rural areas.

I can foresee a near total rejection of PAS by majority Malay voters likely to happen when they see the DAP ploy and PAS leaders condescending ways. PAS leaders used to call UMNO members "infidels" for associating with Chinese.

Most educated Malays want to believe communal politics is over and done with while the smarter Chinese have formed a cohesive centre-right bloc that will cement Chinese unity and allow DAP to capture most predominantly and marginal Chinese constituencies. The Chinese have learnt the art of divide and rule and giving the Malays a taste of their own medicine, which they have been dispensing to the Chinese and other non-Malay communities for over half a century.

The real war is not in the urban areas but in the rural/semi-rural areas where majority of seats are located and DAP was smart enough to see this godsend opportunity.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Hantu Laut

"Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it" said the man of letters George Santayana.

Greed has overtaken their better judgement, instead of taking the path of "united we stand, divided we fall" these knuckleheads believe they can beat Goliath on their own with a single swing of the sling. David brought five stones but had used only one to fell Goliath. 

Haa! Our emboldened oppositions have forgotten 2008, the year many of my friends predicted the demise of Musa Aman and the BN, the doom and gloom of Barisan biting the dust. As they say the rest is history.

They used you, abused you and disused you. Never trust a politician they say.

A man spent 15 years of his life in a party and looked upon a leadership he thought would value his service and loyalty. 

The same people who promised to give his state more autonomy, more oil revenue, more than enough promises that could fill up the black hole, but could not even keep a small promise of his candidacy.

If Anwar can bluff his own man and cheats him, can he not cheat Sabahans of all his promises ?

Never trust a man who wears a cynical smile on his face and cynical manipulation of public opinion.

This madness! Will history repeat itself?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Where Is Ansari Abdullah ?

Hantu Laut

PKR Tuaran division chief Ansari Abdullah who has been a loyal and dedicated party member for many years made a pre-emptive announcement of candidates of his choice earlier this month. His list was later rubbished by PKR deputy president Azmin Ali.

His action shows a clear depth of distrust against PKR central leadership. People who can't be trusted to keep their words. 

Ansari's name have not appeared anywhere on the list of PKR candidates that have gone around the political sphere. 

UPKO's turncoat Wilfred Bamburing is slated to contest the Tuaran parliamentary seat and Tamparuli state seat, leaving Ansari out in the cold. 

Is Ansari being punished for his pre-empative announcement of his own candidate list?

If there is anyone who should contest the Tuaran seat, it should be Ansari. 

Has Anwar ever been honourable with his promises ?

Anwar also promised Ibrahim Menudin to contest in Labuan and Douglas Lind in Tenom, both are ex-UMNO members who ditched the party a few months back to join PKR and are considered newcomers at the angst of long-serving party members. Both have started campaigning in the promised constituencies about two months ago based on assurances given by Anwar. 

Ibrahim had distributed free rice to the kampong folks in Labuan in the hope of getting their supports. He has now been moved to Bongawan to face the hyenas.

Douglas, who was so sure of standing in Tenom, unfortunately, was not selected. Being newcomer the rejection may not be as painful as Ansari.

Sabah PKR is in a real shambles as long-serving and loyal party members are being sidelined for newcomers to contest the elections.

Can we trust a man who never kept his words to lead this country?

Updated: PKR has confirmed that Ibrahim Menudin will also contest the Labuan parliamentary seat.

More to come..

Lowering Car Prices: Killing The Myth

Hantu Laut

Lowering car prices.

Another one of Anwar and Pakatan's hollow propaganda to fool the people.

After I posted my article "Reducing Oil Prices: Anwar On The Stump, Stumping The Idiots",  a regular commentator of this blog by pseudonym SM challenged me to not only expose our fuel prices being one of the lowest in the world and lowest in the region, but to also provide analysis and comparison of car prices with other countries in the region. 

SM, is also a diehard supporter of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat. Like most Malaysians he thinks our car prices are highest in the world. 

Well, SM,  you are in for a big surprise, I will lay down facts and figures to show that was not the case. Our car prices are one of the lowest in the region. 

I am talking about cars for the working class, not luxury cars craved by the wealthy, which in spite of the high prices are selling very well in this country. 

The streets of Kuala Lumpur, other towns and cities are littered with posh cars of all luxury brands. A clear sign that there are more than enough people with more than enough money to buy them. 

In Malaysia, cars are still seen as status symbol, particularly, among the Chinese community, a reflection of their success in business or in their profession. Though considered expensive by Western standard these luxury cars are selling very well in Malaysia and more often than not they be owned by Chinese business people.

It is not surprising that Anwar and other PKR leaders the likes of Rafizi Ramli and Azmin Ali tried to delude the people by blaming wrong government policy for the high prices of cars, which is completely untrue,  pure fiction and propaganda to fool unthinking Malaysians.

Below is the price of  a popular Japanese model in the Asean region.

Price of Toyota Vios 1.5 c.c

Malaysia - RM71,105. = US$23,389.00

Indonesia - Rp221,950,000. = US$22,833.00

Philippine - P869,000. = US$21,003.00

Thailand - THB559,000. = US$19,302.00

Singapore - $109,988. = US$88,864.00

Looking at the prices above are we much more expensive than our neighbours?

Malaysian made cars are even cheaper than the above foreign made model. 

The cheapest in the market of a compact 4-door sedan is the Proton Saga 1.3 c.c. costing around US$11,479.00. Another popular model the Perodua MYVI is selling around US$14,456.00.

Unless, you want to bring the "one-lakh" car from India to this country which is just a basic body with an engine and four wheels, which is not likely to fit the Malaysian more sophisticated taste, the current prices for the type of cars available here are already almost floor level. 

Ask Anwar and Rafizi how much lower can they go?

You probably can reduce by another 20% by removing all standard accessories that comes with it, which means no power windows, no power steering, no CD player, no sporty wheels, no cruise control, no electronically controlled side view mirrors and many more nonessentials. 

Can you sell such basic cars in this market?

The current government policy of keeping car prices cheap for the proletariat and higher prices for luxury cars is the correct policy. It's a caring policy for the economically disadvantaged. 

Our car prices are already lowest in the region. 

Unfortunately, most Malaysians do not bother to check the facts and prefer to eat the opposition's wholesome lies, hook, line and sinker.