Monday, June 6, 2011

First World City Suffering From Third World Woes

Hantu Laut

When I lived in Singapore in the eighties and early nineties there was never a case of flooding in the commercial districts other then the occasional flash floods at Bukit Timah Road.

I suppose the massive reclamation works to increase the size of the city state are contributing to the new phenomenon.

Woe betide those who upset mother nature.

The heavy downpour early on Sunday also triggered flash floods across several parts of the island.

Senett Estate, Potong Pasir, MacPherson, Toa Payoh and Bukit Timah were also partially submerged by floods.

Two lanes along Bukit Timah Road near Cuscaden and Hillcrest Road were completely impassable to traffic at one stage. So too was the Kranji Expressway (KJE) at the slip road towards Woodlands.

With the advent of global warming Singapore would soon be the Venice of the East and eventually join the legendary Atlantis.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

How Sex Can Keep Your Husband Happy - The Obedient Wives Club

Hantu Laut

Now we know why men strayed. Disobedient wives depriving their husbands of their sexual needs? Ibrahim Ali wasn't wrong when he said men seek extra marital sex because their wives neglect their responsibilities particularly on the subject of sex, which offended and outraged women's groups in the country.

Ironically, the "Obedient Wives Club" no less a women's group agree with his misplaced notion.

Must men get sex on demand irrespective of the time of day? The "Obedient Wives Club" appears to think so. Even if you are doing your household chores just drop your panties if your husband came home and has a sudden urge to copulate. Is that what marriage is all about.....SEX ? Men do enjoy sex but that has never been the reason for choosing your life partner.Sexual chemistry is but a small part of the equation.

Do you drive your man away just because of unfulfilled sex at home or there are other unpalatable reasons he sways and strays or is it because man are man, more physical and instinctive in nature? As in the saying "familiarity breeds contempt" it takes a long time to get to know a person well and people can change in behaviour and temperament. Your spouse may not be the same person ten years later as when you first met her or him.

Not all man enter or depart from a marriage because of sex.Most men do not think of sex as of their three daily meals.It is absolute fallacy. Sex is just part and parcel of our biological needs.Unlike food,water and air some people can live without it.There are men who stayed single and calibate their entire life.

Plenty of sex at home would not keep your husbands from straying.About 40 to 50% of men seek sexual gratification outside their relationship.The Kinsy sex study in 1950 found that 50% of men cheat at some point in their marriages. So, do what you like ladies if your man falls in that 50% category you may be the most beautiful,caring and obedient wife no matter how hard you try your man will stray.Some may have one indiscretion, some may have multiple indiscretions and some may just be incorrigible.

History has shown that men crave sexual variety. It's a primordial instinct that dates back to their stone age days.The hunters gatherers days and now instead of hunting and gathering food some men hunt and gather women.

In West Malaysia it seems a common practice amongst Muslim men to have more than one wives.I know of a driver who kept three wives plus the occasional girlfriends on a driver's salary. How he did it is a wonderment.

Being married to high-profile men ups the odds he'll stray because women are attracted to men who have power and status.
John F.Kennedy have had regular shenanigans when Jackie Kennedy was not in the White House. Donald Trump is proud of his name tag as the ultimate Lothario, unscrupulous seducer of women. The downfall of IMF Chief Dominique Strauss Kahn over an alleged rape of a chamber maid defies logic of a man of his status who can have as many consenting women as he wishes, is, if it is true, personification of the man inability to control lust.

OWC vice-president Dr Rohaya Mohamad said that women often forget their duties as a “good wife” which include providing pleasure to their husbands in the bedroom.

“A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore in bed to your husband?” she asked.

The irony is Rohaya is a third wife out of four wives in one big happy family.

I wish good luck to members the "Obedient Wives Club" and hope their frequent bonking at home would keep the husbands happy and house-bound.

Also read:

Obedient Wives’ anger rights groups

Friday, June 3, 2011

Malaysia's Rotten Enforcement

Rubbish pork and rotten enforcement

Stanley Koh | June 3, 2011

The recent revelation about “rubbish pork” being sold on the market was a grim reminder of how often unscrupulous business practices go unnoticed by Malaysian authorities.

Through the years, there have been several shocking disclosures raising concern about the efficiency and effectiveness of enforcement agencies as protectors of food safety and public health.

Apparently, the practice of using low quality pork – or even pig carrion – in sausages, dim sum and other pork-based foods has been going on for 10 years. Why did it go undetected for so long by any of the various levels of the authority responsible for food safety? Is the government adequately taking care of public health?

Food safety in the country is administered by a network of federal, state, district and municipal authorities. The top authority is the Food Quality Control Unit of the Health Ministry. It was established in 1974 and is responsible for overall technical supervision. It determines food safety policies, formulates legislation, guidelines and codes of practice and coordinates activities at state and district levels.

One wonders whether the unit, as well as the state, district and local authorities, have adequate financial and manpower resources to function effectively, considering that food production has grown rapidly over the years.

Is there anything besides rubbish pork that we should be worried about? Are there other dark secrets yet to be exposed?

Perhaps we should review the Malaysian track record.

Quite some time ago, Chinese guilds and associations raised concerns about the unscrupulous use of prohibited drugs and hazardous chemicals in animal feeds, vegetables and fruits.

Big profits

More recently, we heard complaints that some animal feed suppliers and livestock farmers had resorted to using various types of stimulants to accelerate the growth of livestock or plants so that they could reap in big profits, never mind the risk to public health.

In 1996, the public was shocked by reports that some poultry farmers were administering the cancer-causing antibiotic Nitrofuran to their chickens. According to one of these reports, a government laboratory tested 142 chickens and found that more than half showed contamination of up to 4,000%.

In August 1996, poultry farmers nationwide pledged not to administer Nitrofuran to chickens younger than 28 days. But a few days later, the government decided to ban the antibiotic altogether. Read more.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Anwar Gets SNAPPED: The Failure of an Opposition Leader Comes Home to Roost

By Leon H. Wolf

In a development that should be viewed as welcome by supporters of one of the relatively few functional Muslim-majority democracies in the world, signs are continuing to mount that Anwar Ibrahim’s opposition coalition may be beginning to crumble. Earlier this month, Anwar was sharply criticized by Sarawakians for only offering the Sarawak National Party (SNAP) three seats, which many Sarawakians considered to be an insultingly lowball number. Anwar attempted to deflect criticism for this move by claiming that he had an agreement signed in writing with the President of SNAP in which SNAP agreed to only contest three seats. SNAP’s response, essentially, was to call Anwar a liar:

Sarawak Nasional Party (SNAP) has strongly rebutted PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim’s claims that it had signed an agreement with the party, to contest only in three seats a few months before the recent Sarawak election.

SNAP Youth chief Dayrell Enterie said Anwar’s statement was “totally incorrect”.

This statement of his (Anwar) is totally incorrect as neither SNAP nor its president (who was erroneously named Stanley Jugol in the Malaysiakini article) had entered into any written agreement whatsoever on seat allocations with PKR.

Fortunately (or, one suspects, unfortunately) for Anwar, his claim was not that he had a formal understanding or a verbal agreement with SNAP regarding the allocation of seats, but that he had an agreement in writing. Therefore, this whole matter ought to be easy to clear up for Anwar – all he has to do is produce the written agreement and all will be well. Given SNAP’s flat denial of its existence, and given Anwar’s failure to produce the written agreement when he first claimed it existed, it is not difficult to guess whether or not Anwar is lying about this agreement.

More ominous than SNAP’s flat rebuttal of Anwar’s specific claim, though is the clear signal from SNAP that it is willing to walk away from Anwar and PKR, if necessary:

“SNAP wishes to reiterate that it is not a push-over party for any West Malaysian entity nor is SNAP a Pakatan stooge,” he said in a statement mailed to FMT.

These political troubles are anything but welcome for Anwar, who is trying together a bizarre coalition with disparate interests – almost none of which are any sort of good news for Western interests or for the ultimate fate of Democracy in Malaysia, especially given that Anwar has been apparently caught on a DNA test doing what the kids today refer to as “pulling a Dominique Strauss Kahn.”

It is hopeful that the political fissures now beginning to show will signal the beginning of the end for a man who mysteriously remains a cause célèbre among some of America’s hopelessly naïve elites. Anwar Ibrahim is lionized amongst the usual suspects in the United States because he was previously jailed on a sodomy charge, which was overturned in 2004. Lost in the wake of the celebration over Anwar’s release amongst these same people is the fact that Anwar was simultaneously convicted of corruption on a scale that would make William Jefferson, Duke Cunningham, and Edwin Edwards blush. This conviction was not overturned and in fact was upheld on appeal.Read more.