Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Bumiputras Cheating Bumiputras

Hantu Laut

This is not the first nor will it be the last.Bumiputras cheating bumiputras.A family of crooks.Read story here.

This kind of ponzi schemes has been going on for sometime.There were number of cases in the past that have been brought to court yet gullible bumiputras still couldn't resist the temptation of these get rich quick money making schemes promising returns of anything between 5 to 50% a month.

Would anyone with the right sense believe there is such a business that can give such mind-boggling returns?

Such schemes also exist in the West, not forgetting the sleek Bernard Madoff who ripped off billions from his investors.In Malaysia most of the victims, for some unknown reasons, were low income bumiputras.

Obviously, it's either greed or ignorance.

Most of these illegal deposits taking companies were run by bumiputras and most of the clients were bumiputras.

The one in Sabah, caught and charged by Bank Negara, a few years back was a husband and wife team.The wife used purdah (veil) when she attended court. She wants to show she is pious and incapable of cheating.Beware of the pious crook in sheep clothing!

Read here and here and here.

Why are bumiputras so gullible?

For some strange reasons the crooks are prepared to take the risk knowing what they are doing is illegal.Maybe, the punishment of 3 to 5 years in prison is not enough deterrent compared to the millions they reaped from their illegal activities.

Do you know who are the most gullible people on earth? Read here the study by Harvard.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Hudud For Dummies

Hantu Laut

Blessings can come in any form of surprises.A year ago I have written off MCA, Gerakan and MIC, that they have become irrelevant and would be trashed by DAP at the polls and I still hold that view until Lady Luck came knocking on the door.Recent development has changed the political climate.

Just two days ago DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang posted an article written by one Thomas Lee exacerbating the end of MCA and Gerakan.Likewise, for the past one year I have written a number of articles predicting the same of MCA and Gerakan. Indeed, just three weeks ago that would have still been the case if not for hudud.

Here, another writer, also courtesy of Kit Siang's blog who got all riled up with the Star's report on hudud and said he made a colossal mistake of reading the MCA-owned ragsheet ?? ( not in dictionary yet, probably Manglish)

Sometimes, things can happen when you least expected it.Call it karma or blessing in disguise if you wish, but whatever it is MCA fortunes may be on the rise again after Anwar's big blunder of supporting hudud law and PAS determination to implement hudud not only in Kelantan but for the whole nation if they get Putrajaya.

Nik Aziz and Hadi Awang have, in no uncertain terms, declared they are determined to pursue their religious ideals.......to pass hudud to make Malaysia a truly Islamic nation.

Surprisingly, some non-Muslims writers show support for hudud either out of ignorance, political pursuance or pathetic lies.Ask a Chinese in private and would hear a completely different story. The version exuded by Pakatan's propaganda machine is dissimilar to the ones coming from the hearts.

I have in the past asserted that PAS is a leopard that will not change its spots no matter what its other partners say.Many Malaysians have been misled to believe otherwise, particularly, by DAP, who desperately wanted to be part of the Federal government to push forward its own agenda.

To PAS and PKR leaders, hudud has become the "buzz" word, a war cry to attract right-wing Muslims, comprising a very significant segment of the Malay population in rural and semi-urban areas.With the promise of implementing hudud they hope to break UMNO's stranglehold on rural Malays outside Kelantan.

As I have anticipated the so called liberal road or the rise of the Erdogen faction in the party was a lure set up by DAP to pacify and subdue the Chinese voters.PAS has no intention of giving in to DAP. The real PAS is beginning to show its true colour and DAP is whimpering as what to do next.

Malaysia already have the mild form of shariah which deals mainly with family law and minor offences but have excluded the harsher form of punishments.

Hudud is one of the four categories of punishment under Islamic Penal Law.The rest are shown below:

Qisas: retaliation which literally means an eye for an eye.

Tazir: corporal punishment usually dispense by a judge.

Diyya: compensation paid to heirs of victim, usually blood money paid in a murder case or personal injury.

Hudud deals with fixed punishments for serious crimes such as murder,theft,robbery,adultery/fornication, drinking alcohol and apostasy (not all imams or jurists consider apostasy as hudud offense).Malaysia do not at the moment consider apostasy as hudud offense but once implemented apostates may have to face the letter of the law.

Punishments for hudud ranges from decapitation for murder, to chopping of hands for theft and stoning to death for adultery.

Every Malaysian including yours truly here believe that Malaysia would never be able to apply hudud law due to composition of our population and representations in parliament.On the surface, it is true, but in reality it is not.

What you see at the present moment is the superficiality of the BN power sharing formula giving comfort to the other races.It may not happen now but it certainly can in the near future.With many marginal seats that can swing to the Malays with a bit of gerrymandering, the home truth will strike home sooner than you would have realised.

Do not underestimate that the Malays can't rule on its own, even at the moment, they can if they wish to with a simple majority, but it would be foolhardy as the time is not ripe yet to do so, but if pushed to the ground they may have no choice but to exercise that option, which will be a sad day for Malaysia.

I am not in favour of one communal party rule but I'll not rule out the danger of it happening and, of course the less initiated, the Malay intelligentsia, the smart aleck and the not too smart aleck would have a field day calling me by all sort of names..........anyway, I am not perturbed, it's just my opinion, which I am entitled to, wrong or otherwise.

The political stability, economic stability and pluralism that have made us one of the economic tigers before is an evanescent bubble and becoming more and more elusive due to political instability. With the threatening implementation of hudud looming on the horizon we may see further erosion in these areas.

Some Muslim friends I talked to were under the impression that we can be like Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, where, in spite of hudud law the economy prosper.That is spiteful ignorance and wishful thinking.We can never be like the Saudis who can sit on their arses for next hundred years and need not work hard a single day yet the money will come pouring into the state coffers because they have the biggest oil deposit on the face of this earth.Foreign investors do not go to Saudi Arabia to invest, they go there to sell all kind of colossal projects to steal the Saudis money. They don't need foreign tourists too, they have 2 to 3 million tourists every year ordained by Allah.

Without Allah's gifts Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States would be the poorest countries on earth.Whether accidental or by divine intervention most oil deposits with cheapest extraction costs are located in mostly Muslims countries yet many of them are still disgracefully backward, poor and ruled by tyrannical leaders.

Let us take Libya as one example which is oil rich but the people are still poor.It has per capita income of around $14,000 (PPP), the same as Malaysia.

Below are figures in comparison with Malaysia.

Country Pop(mil).......GDP (bil)... Per Capita ......Oil Production/Export

Malaysia .....28 ..........$414.............$14,700 ............664,800 bbl/day

Libya ........6.5 ...............90 ................14,000 .........1,779,000 bbl/day

You can see the huge discrepancies and senseless figures coming out of Libya. It has small population, huge oil export and a GDP almost 4 times smaller than Malaysia.Muammar Gaddafi has completely screwed up the country, stifled freedom,suppressed the people, siphoned oil money and made no effort at all to introduce other economic activities, solely dependent on oil revenues.When the oil fields run dry the Libyan people may have to eat sands.

We should not be looking at the Arab countries or for that matter not even Western democracies as examples, we should be looking at countries like Japan,South Korea,Taiwan and Singapore that have progressed so far ahead, they must have the right formula for success.China, a much bigger country was not ashamed to admit they followed Singapore economic policy in the early days when it first opened its doors to the outside world.

Hudud is not suitable for Malaysia, not just yet and don't forget politicians seldom keep their promises.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Malaysians Should Take A Leaf Out Of Obama's Book Of Failures

Hantu Laut

US President Barack Obama made hundreds of promises during his 2008 Presidential Campaign.Watchdog organisation Politifact has been keeping track of Obama's promises and put the list at a staggering 506.

As most politicians would know, and most level-headed citizens would expect, it is not possible to fulfill all campaign promises and Obama is no different from the rest but Obama is also not what he is.

I am not concerned with what he promised the American people on the domestic front but with what he promised the world he would do to improve decades of American belligerent foreign policy that have wrecked untold miseries on the rest of the world particularly the US initiated wars that have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in mostly Muslim nations.

The Afghan War began in 2001 when America commenced its war on terror as retribution for 9/11.Hardly 2 years later it invaded Iraq under the pretext of dismantling Saddam Hussein's WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) which later was found to be a big lie perpetuated by the US and her close ally Britain to justify the invasion of Iraq.

It is now over a decade and the US is no where near winning the two wars.The contagion of war has even spread to Pakistan where the Talibans have regrouped and more determined then ever to drive the American out of Afghanistan and put an end to its military influence over the Pakistani government, which has become a beggar's state, a failed state and not able to resist American aids in exchange for its soul.

For the last century the US has reversed its own "Monroe Doctrine" (the restraining of European powers from continuing hegemonic influence and control over the Americas) using military intervention in any trouble spots, anywhere around the globe that they deemed might endanger American global interests, without due consideration for the massive collateral damages they might inflict on the country concerned. Their military excursions had taken them to the Korean War,the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the Afghan War and the Iraq War not taking into consideration other skirmishes and stealthy wars in some Latin America countries.

The biggest torn in the Islamic world is the Palestinian issue. Since its abrogation as a state and the making of a Jewish state in 1948 by the Western powers the issue of an independent Palestinian state have been sidelined by every US President in favour of Israel.The Palestinians are in complete limbo because the big guns are on the side of Israel.

Obama made a number of universal promises which are listed below and which he has clearly failed to fulfill.

1.Guantanamo Bay

Within days of his inauguration, Obama signed executive orders to close down the military prison within one year and to end torture in interrogation.

Gitmo is still operating and torture of prisoners are still on the suspect list.



He promised to end the war in Iraq in 16 months and to withdraw all combat forces from Iraq by August 2010 and remaining troops by end of 2011.

For almost a decade of American occupation the country remained a war zone with highest probability of returning back to sectarian violence the moment US troops left Iraq.There are 3 more months remaining to the dateline.


3.Palestine/Israel States

He made a promise to make sustained push for the existence of two states - a Jewish state in Israel and a Palestinian state.

The Israeli government as usual is the spoiler of any peace negotiation, resisted Obama's calls to stop settlement construction in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.Construction freeze was a condition set by the Palestinians for the peace talk.Like all past presidents the talk remained a talk ending up in a deadlock because the President can only provides lip service, have no sincere intention of creating a Palestinian state.


During the campaign period in 2008 Obama was nothing less but impressive.His oratory skill was intensely felt by those watching him speaking, his style immaculate and his extemporaneous speeches gave air of confidence. The American people, overtly impressed, voted him as president.Still in the honeymoon period, by January 2009 his approval rating jumped to 69 %, by August 2011 declined to 38 % and the latest rating hovering around 41 %.

I was personally impressed by Obama's messianic orations during the 2008 campaign period and was hoping he would be elected. I now realised he, not unlike our Anwar Ibrahim, is just a smooth "Yes, we can" talker and a non-performer.

His lack of purpose, lack of direction and lack of leadership made his administration slow on action losing precious moment initiating major reforms domestically and in its foreign policy.

His bumbling and slow response to the Gulf oil spill which has caused major environmental disaster was a picture of his slowness and incompetence.His expended war effort in Afghanistan has failed so miserably even his General in charge of operation openly admits "nobody is winning" the war.

Though, the American people are more concerned with domestic affairs and don't really care about America's foreign policy, let's hope this man don't get re-elected for another wasteful term.

Since Jimmy Carter he would probably be the next biggest Democratic disappointment in the White House.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

PAS/Pakatan Leaders Should Visit Chin Peng ( National Hero)

Hantu Laut

PAS leaders, particularly, Mat Sabu should visit national hero Chin Peng lying critically ill on his death bed in a hospital in Bangkok.

If Mohmmad Indera is a national hero than Chin Peng must be one even bigger national hero because he was the leader of the CPM that tried to liberate Malaya from British colonial rule and Mohammad Indera came from the same organisation.

In the past some opposition leaders have asked the government to allow Chin Peng to return to Malaysia but to no avail.Maybe, they should appeal for his body to be brought back so he can lie in state for Malaysians to show their last respect to this mass murderer.

Travestying history is their next sophistical project to fool the foolhardy Malaysians.